“Yes, thank you.”

Elena crossed her room and grabbed the carousel from her dresser. A few notes squeaked out from it as she lifted it, her eyes tearing again. Memories of their first date, carefree and simple, floated through her mind. “Please give this away, thank you.”

“Are you certain, Your Highness?”

“I cannot look at it anymore, Caroline. It brings me only pain now. I was foolish to think what we had in Sterling City could survive. It was an illusion.”

“But Your Highness–”

“Please, Caroline,” Elena said, desperation in her voice.

Caroline bobbed her head, swallowing hard. “I will see to it.”

Elena sucked in a deep breath as the item left her hands. She nearly called to her ladies’ maid to stop her from taking the gift. Her lower lip trembled as memories of their first kiss taunted her.

She firmed her jaw, sucking in a sharp breath. She would move on as she told her father. She would not wallow. And she would move forward in a way that would protect her heart from this ever happening again.

She sank onto the stool at her vanity, staring into her own emerald eyes. She sniffled, leaning forward to touch up her makeup as a knock sounded at her door.

With a deep inhale, she called out for the visitor to come in. The door pushed open, and Eric stepped inside.

“You asked to see me?” he said, his voice tentative.

“Yes, I did.” Elena raised her chin as she rose. “I suppose you have heard by now that Nathan Kingsley’s blood has shown he was drugged.”

Eric flicked his gaze to his feet. “Yes. And I suppose you have worked out–”

“That you did it? Yes, I have,” she answered.

He raised his gaze to her. “And now you wish to scold me for it?”

“No,” she answered. “I do not. You asked for your chance, and you made it very clear that you would do anythingto receive it.”

His eyebrows flicked up, his surprise apparent. “And because of that, you will not berate me?”

“I will do better than that.” Her stomach twisted into a knot as she prepared to speak her next words. “You were correct when you said we are well-matched. You understand what is required of my life.”

“Yes, I do. And with my bold move against Mr. Kingsley, I believe I have proven how invested I am in winning your hand.”

“Yes, you have,” she answered, sucking in a deep breath. “Am I to understand, then, that you still wish to move forward with our engagement?”

“Am I to understand we may?”

Elena gritted her teeth, taking a moment before she answered, “Yes.”

The word made her lips tremble, but she firmed them, raising her chin.

“Oh, Elena,” Eric answered, rushing toward her.

She stopped him, twisting sideways before he could scoop her into his arms. “Please understand that I do not have a romantic interest in you, Eric. I am sorry, but I do not.”

One corner of his lips tugged back into a smile. “Not yet, but we will grow closer. I promise, Elena. You have made the best choice.”

She nodded. “That is all.”

“We should tell our parents.”

Her head bobbed again. “We will make an announcement following dinner. Until then, please keep our arrangement to yourself.”