Behind them, the door to the sitting room popped open. Queen Sophia stuck her head in the door. “I thought I heard voices. Elena, your father is looking for you.”

“Oh,” Elena said, her forehead creasing as tears formed again.

Her mother’s face pinched with concern. “Elena? Is something wrong?”

Elena offered her mother an upset glance before she nodded.

“I will leave you to talk,” Alexander said, rising from his seat and skirting past Queen Sophia as she strode into the room.

Her mother eased into the spot Alexander had vacated, concern etched into her delicate features. “Elena?”

“Mother, I believe I have made a terrible, terrible mistake.”

Her mother’s lips parted at the words, and her eyebrows flicked up in silent question.

“Nathan and I had an awful argument. We have broken things off. I feel like I have upset the entire household for nothing.”

Her mother rubbed her arm. “I am sorry, darling. Though perhaps you’re making it worse than it is?”

“I am not. He has expressed that he wishes to leave, and I agreed.”

“I see,” her mother said.

“Father will find me childish, I assume. He will tell me how he told me so.”

“He will not, Elena. Your father wishes you to be happy.”

“Well, then he has not gotten his wish because I am quite miserable.” Elena doubled over as sobs wracked her again.

Queen Sophia perched on the chair’s arm as she stroked Elena’s hair. “Oh, darling. You know your father and I have had many arguments in the past. We always find a way past them.”

“Perhaps Father had a point about Nathan, though.”

“Did I hear you properly?” King Frederick asked from the doorway as he stepped inside with a smile. It quickly vanished when he noticed her tears. “What’s this? Has somethinghappened?”

“Elena and Mr. Kingsley have had a terrible row,” her mother explained.

“Oh, darling, I am sorry,” King Frederick said as he approached her.

“Are you?” Elena asked with a hiccup. “Or are you pleased?”

“Of course, I am not pleased to find you in tears, Elena.”

“It must bring you some comfort to know that I realize what a fool I’ve been.”

“You haven’t been a fool,” he answered as he eased onto the coffee table in front of her. “Short-sighted, perhaps, but not a fool.”

“Short-sighted is not something a future queen should be.”

“You will learn from every experience, darling. Though, even I can be short-sighted at times. I believe it may have been the reason you had the argument with Mr. Kingsley?”

“It did not help,” Elena admitted, casting her gaze to her lap. “But it is not the entire reason.”

“I still feel somewhat responsible. My hesitance on Mr. Kingsley has been frustrating for you both, I’m certain.”

“Yes, it has been. Though…”

King Frederick raised his eyebrows, prompting her to continue.