“It was uncalled for, Elena. His behavior was disgraceful.”

“While I quite agree, I would be surprised if Father went that far. You heard him this morning. Even after Nathan had been proven innocent, he still hesitated when it came to accepting him.”

“He is just being your father, Elena. Cautious, conservative, contemplative.”

“Yes, well his contemplation may well have ruined my relationship with Nathan.” Elena hiccupped the last words out as she began to sob again.

“How?” Alexander settled onto the couch next to her, taking her hand in his.

Elena huffed out a shaky breath. “When I told Nathan about the conversation we’d had with Father this morning, I mentioned that this was a positive step. He shot back that Father hadn’t given him the benefit of the doubt, and that he still hadn’t accepted him.”

“But it’s likely a matter of time. Surely, Uncle Frederick will see how much you love him.”

“Well, Nathan worries he will not. He pushed me to answer what would happen if Father decides he is unsuitable.”

Alexander clicked his tongue, heaving a sigh as he stared at his clasped hands. “Let me guess, you didn’t take kindly to it.”

“Alexander, he’s pushing me to abdicate. To leave Eldoria behind to save our relationship.”

“It may not even come to that. Did you tell him?”

“I tried to, I even suggested we leave the conversation for when he was feeling better, but then he pushed further. He suggested the only investment I had in our relationship was to avoid marrying Eric.”

Alexander cringed, his nose wrinkling. “Oh, no.”

“Oh, yes. And you can imagine how well I took that.”

“Not well?” Alexander asked with a pinched face.

“We argued. I said if that’s what he thought perhaps he should leave. And he said…” Elena’s features twisted as another sob escaped her. “He said he didn’t belong here, and it was best he did go.”

She covered her face with her hands as tears fell to her cheeks again.

“Oh, no, Elena.” Alexander rubbed her shoulder. “I am so very sorry. Perhaps…perhaps it will pass. Words said in anger never really are meant.”

“They are meant,” she answered. “He’s mentioned abdicating before. And he doesn’t want this lifestyle,that is obvious. But I know nothing else.”

“Do you think he misinterpreted your goals because you had fled to Sterling City in an attempt to escape?”

“Escape marriage to Eric, yes. Not to escape my duty entirely. I just wanted to show my father that I could make wise decisions on my own and thusly, should be allowed to pick my own partner.”

A sigh escaped her, and her shoulders slumped. “Though I have proven quite the opposite, haven’t I?”

“I don’t think so,” Alexander said. “You’ve had a fight, Elena. You will have many more even as a married couple. The trick is to talk through it.”

Elena fluttered her eyelashes as she wiped away tears. “Well, we don’t seem to be able to do that at the moment.”

“Give it some time. Maybe when you speak again, you’ll be able to tell him Uncle Frederick approves. Then you can laugh over the silly argument and be back in each other’s arms in seconds.”

Elena sucked in a deep breath. “I am beginning to wonder, Alexander, if that is wise.”

He flicked his eyebrows up. “You’re having second thoughts?”

Elena’s lips settled into a frown as she stared at her hands. “I am beginning to see what holds my father back.”

“But you love him.”

“Love isn’t always enough, Alexander. Not when you’re a royal.”