He sucked in a breath, sticking his hands on his hips, almost immediately regretting what he’d allowed to spill out of his mouth.

Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them away, her lips tugging into a frown. “Well, if that’s what you believe, then perhaps you should leave.”

“I think you’re right. I don’t belong here.”

A flicker of emotion crossed her eyes before she replaced it with her usual stoic, neutral face. “Fine.”

She stood for another moment. He searched his mind for something to say, but he couldn’t find anything.

When he failed to respond, she spun on a heel and stalked to the door. “For what it’s worth, I may have gone to Sterling City to escape Eric, but I returned a woman in love. But I will not apologize for wanting my life, too.”

Nate’s features softened, a mixture of regret and longing crossing his face as he closed his eyes, the weight of his words settlingheavily upon him.

The slamming of the door startled him, and he snapped his eyes open, staring at the spot she’d stood in a moment ago.

His stomach dropped as he realized he’d just lost the woman he loved. And it hadn’t been her father’s fault. It had been his. But there was nothing he could do. He didn’t belong here. This time love wouldn’t conquer all. It would only lead to heartache.



Elena fought to steady her trembling lower lip as she hurried out of Nate’s room, but her efforts proved futile. A sob threatened to escape, and she hastily clamped a hand over her quivering mouth, the taste of saltiness already lingering on her lips.

Their epic argument had shattered their relationship, leaving Elena reeling. The man she had envisioned marrying just days ago now felt like a stranger, a painful realization that pierced her heart.

Tears welled in her eyes. She fought them as she barreled around the corner, nearly running into her cousin Alexander.

“Elena,” he said as he caught her and steadied her.

Elena blinked furiously, attempting to conceal the tears welling in her eyes, but Alexander had already caught sight of them.

“What happened? Have you spoken with your father again? Has he made some decision?”

“No,” she choked out, “I have spoken with Nathan.”

“Did you give him the good news?”

She nodded, pressing the back of her hand to her lips.

“Why are you crying? You should both be elated.”

She squeezed her lips together, attempting to hold back her emotions but she was unable. She leaned forward into his chest and sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Why don’t we find a quiet spot, and you can tell me what happened?”

She wiped at her cheeks as she nodded at him.

With his arm wrapped around her, he led her to a private study near his bedroom and eased the doors closed behind them.

Elena collapsed into an armchair, sniffling.

“Now, what happened? Surely, Nathan was pleased to learn he’d been vindicated.”

“One would have expected it, yes, but…”

“But? Heavens, even Uncle Frederick seemed to be convinced. I believe he may ask Prince Eric to leave.”

Elena snapped her gaze to him, her eyes wide. “Really?”