Victoria bobbed her head. “Okay, so then, let’s hope this comes back with good news.”

“But what if it doesn’t?” He clamped his hands on his head. “My past is going to cost me my relationship with Ellie.”

“We don’t know that. You need to take a breath. You’re probably feeling anxious because of whatever is in your system.”

Nate tugged his hands away and nodded, his lips still in a tight grimace.

“Why don’t you text Ellie? See if she’s awake and if she’s heard anything.”

He glanced at his phone ruefully. “Because I don’t know if I want the answer.”

“Come on, Nate. You’re not one to not face your problems.”

“Really?” His voice took on an incredulous tone. “Because I did a pretty good job of not facing what happened with Chloe and instead, sinking into the bottom of a bottle. And now I’m paying the price for those choices.”

Victoria offered him a consoling smile, grabbing his hand in hers.

“Don’t give me that look.”

“I’m giving you the look whether you like it or not. Now, do you want me to give you a pep talk or to kick your butt into gear? If you love this woman, you have some damagecontrol to do.”

He shook his head with a sigh. “I love her, Mom, but I don’t know if it’s enough.”

“That’s your headache talking. Text Ellie.”

“If you’re trying to make sure I’m not alone, I’m fine. You can go try to get some real rest.”

“I’m trying to make sure you’re okay, honey. Last night was awful.”

Nate grabbed his phone, turning it in his hands over and over. “I’ll text her. Go get some sleep or get ready for the day or whatever.”

Victoria rose from her chair, her hand gently brushing through Nate’s before planting a tender kiss on his forehead, a silent reassurance of her unwavering support. “I love you, Nate. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”

He heaved a sigh as she crossed the room and let herself out the door. Alone, he stared at the phone, uncertain he was ready to face the day. Even if the results were in his favor—which they should be—someone had done this to him. Would it affect his chances with Elena?

He stared down at his darkened display before he finally toggled it on and typed a message to Elena.Hey, you awake?

He tapped his fingers against the side of the phone as he waited for a response. Nothing came. His stomach twisted into a tight knot. Was she still asleep or was she not speaking to him? Had she been forbidden to speak to him?

His tormented mind created multiple scenarios all ending in tragedy before his phone finally chimed.I am. I’m on my way to you.

He stared at the simple response. It betrayed nothing. Was she angry? Relieved?

The brevity, unlike her, suggested the former. He chewed his lower lip, wondering if she thought he was lying based on the results of the test.

He pulled himself from his bed and paced the floor, hisheart thudding hard against his ribs. He chewed his lower lip until a knock sounded at his door.

Nate’s chest tightened with each passing second, his gaze fixated on the imposing oak doors of his bedroom.

“Nathan?” Elena’s muffled voice called.

He crossed and tugged open the door. Elena offered him a warm, sympathetic smile. He tried to return her expression, but his faltered.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“Okay,” he answered with a shrug as he shuffled away from the door.

He wanted to ask if the test results were back, but he wasn’t sure he wanted the answer. What if they were bad news? What if Prince Eric had somehow bribed the lab?