“Yes,” Julian answered. “And prepare for the visit.”

Something about the way he said the word prepare sent a chill snaking down her spine. She added him to the list of worries along with her father. Julian could create trouble of an entirely different brand.

She had to be on her guard constantly to ensure the visit came off without a hitch. There would be someone lurking around every corner waiting for her to fail.

“We understand,” Sophie said. “I’ve had your bags placed in your usual rooms. Shall I expect you for tea later when the Kingsleys arrive?”

“No, Aunt, I have something pressing already, but I look so forward to reacquainting myself with Mr. Kingsley at dinner.”

“Good,” Sophia said with a nod before she shifted her pleasant gaze to Isabelle.

The brunette lifted a shoulder, her gaze sliding from Elena to Sophia. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Wonderful. See you both then.” Sophia followed their departure up the grand staircase before she set her sights on her daughter.

One eyebrow arched as the pleasant expression faded just slightly.

Elena shifted uncomfortably under her mother’s scrutiny, clasping her hands in front of her as she lowered her chin. “Well, I should go–”

“Elena,” her mother said, her soft voice filled with a warning.

“Yes, Mother?” she asked as though she hadn’t a clue what she was getting at.

Her mother waved a hand toward the sitting room off the large foyer. After closing the doors behind them, her mother whipped around to face her.

“Elena, you must stop beingconfrontational.”

Elena’s jaw unhinged as she wrinkled her nose. “But Mother…”

“Do not,” her mother warned with a single wag of her finger. “You know better than this, Elena. I am beginning to agree with your father that your time in the States has been a detriment.”

“Mother!” Elena shouted, her fingers curling into fists. “How can you say that?”

“I can say it because of the way you just behaved. Julian and Isabelle are your cousins.”

“Who are both troublemakers. Have you forgotten that Isabelle hates me openly. Or that Julian is the one who attempted to ruin my life by telling Father about Nathan and I?”

Sophia clicked her tongue, her features remaining in stoic check as she waited for Elena’s outburst to finish. “I have not forgotten, but Elena, you have been raised better than this. You will be queen one day. You cannot race about being rude when you disagree with someone or dislike them. Diplomacy is the best option always.”

Elena settled her arms across her chest. “Suppose someone invades Eldoria. I suppose you believe I should be diplomatic then, too?”

“Do not be flip with me, Elena. This is not an invasion.”

“Thatis where you are wrong,” Elena shot back. “It is a full-scale invasion of my life. The Kingsleys are due this afternoon. There is enough tension already without Julian and Isabelle deliberately creating more drama.”

“Tension? Are you nervous about their arrival?” Her mother narrowed her eyes at Elena, reading her features.

Elena shifted her gaze to the floor, avoiding eye contact. “No.”

“Then why do you say tension?”

“I only meant…that is…Oh, Mother,” Elena said with a shake of her head, tears shining in her eyes as she betrayed a rare moment of vulnerability.

Her mother crossed to her, cupping Elena’s cheek in her hand. “Elena, are you having second thoughts?”

“No!” Her eyes went wide as she snapped her gaze to her mother’s face. “No, I’m not. But I am nervous that something will go wrong. I feel as though Father is simply waiting to prove me incorrect.”

“Elena, that’s not true.” Her mother shook her head, a slight frown on her soft features. “Your father would not do that to you. He would not have agreed to allow Mr. Kingsley to come if he didn’t believe it could work.”