“Yes, and looking for that dance.”
“Of course,” Elena said with a grin as she slid her arm around his. “Eric, thank you.”
“I really didn’t think you could get any more beautiful,” he said as he pulled her closer.
Her smile broadened. “Well, I am so pleased you think so. And more pleased Father stopped at your family. This bodes so well for us, darling.”
They whirled around the dance floor together until the song ended, and they stopped to applaud. Elena leaned closer to congratulate him on an excellent job with the dance.
“Thanks,” he answered. “Do you mind if we get something to drink? I’m parched. I think I got nervous talking to your mom.”
“Of course. How did that conversation go?”
His mind went over the details, recalling her comment about not just being polished on protocol but also accepting Elena’s sometimes hectic lifestyle. “Pretty well, I think.”
As they crossed the room toward the refreshments, King Frederick approached. “Mr. Kingsley, an admirable job at the waltz. My wife tells me you were quite good.”
“Oh, thank you, Your Majesty,” he said with a nervous grin.
He nodded before he reached toward Elena. “Elena, Lord Hitherby is asking after you.”
“I will find him at once, Father, thank you. Talk later?”
Nate nodded, trying to show his support as sheflitted away.
King Frederick tilted his chin back as he clasped his hands behind his back. “She will have many nights like this.”
Nate bobbed his head. “Yes, I realize. I…understand. There are plenty of galas, charity events, networking dinners that we attend.”
“Yes,” King Frederick answered, “though our social events often go far further. The lifestyle can be exhausting. I hope to find a spouse that can support Elena’s needs in that respect.”
Nate lifted his chin. “I promise to do that.”
“Words are one thing, actions another.”
“I hope to prove this to you, Your Majesty. And I am very pleased you are allowing me the chance.”
He offered Nate a tight-lipped smile before his eyes scanned the crowd. “There are several people I must speak with. Excuse me.”
“Of course.” Nate swallowed hard as he watched him stride away, hoping he’d made another good impression.
He crossed to the refreshments to ask for a punch when Prince Eric approached him again. He clenched his jaw, not wanting to speak with the man.
“Kingsley, terribly sorry about that mishap earlier. I hope there is no harm done.”
“None, but thanks for checking.”
“Of course. You must be parched.” Prince Eric grabbed two glasses, setting them down to grab cocktail napkins first, before he whirled around and offered one to Nate.
“Thank you.”
“Cheers, Kingsley. You are giving me a run for my money with Elena.”
Nate raised the cup before he took a long drink. “I plan to. I love her very much.”
Prince Eric narrowed his eyes as he bobbed his head. “Well, may the best man win.”
With that the prince strode away from him. He tookanother long drink of the punch. He chuckled as he found his sister dancing with Alexander.