Victoria straightened, her forehead pinching. “Says who?”

“Probably King Frederick.”

“I don’t think that’s true, Nate.”

“Well, he hasn’t approved me yet,” Nate answered with a scuff of his shoe on the floor.

“He’s only just met you. Give him a moment to realize you are the man his daughter chose. It’s not easy, you know?”

Nate raised his gaze to her, his eyebrows pinching. “It’s not?”

“No. How do you think your father and I felt when you said you were proposing to Chloe?”

“Ready to murder me?”

“I didn’t care for that girl at all. Not one iota. But we had to accept that you chose her.”

“You did a better job than he’s doing. You didn’t tell me I couldn’t marry her.”

“Our lives are very different. She will rule a country. You’ll just run a company. Though I hated to see her get her hands on part of that.”

“And now she still might,” Nate said with a shake of his head. “I’m guessing Stephen didn’t insist on a prenup.”

“We’ll worry about that later. I’m hoping he wises up soon. The shorter this marriage, the better. But that’s not my concern right now. You’re the one who needs my support.”

He flicked his gaze sideways. “Well, you tied my tie.”

“I mean for more than that. How are you feeling about tonight?”

He couldn’t answer that question. He wasn’t certain how he felt. He loved Elena dearly, but he was quickly starting to wonder if they were meant to be. At every turn, something threatened their relationship.

“I love her. I hope I can make her proud.”

“You already do that, Nate. And thingswill get easier. Once you’ve gotten the King’s acceptance, I think you’ll feel much better.”

If, he thought.If I get the King’s acceptance.

“Should we head down?”

He swallowed hard as he realized the time had come. With a nod, he rose and donned his jacket.

“Honey,” Victoria said as she set her hands on his shoulders, “you’ll be fine. Just be yourself. You’re a great person, and Ellie’s parents are going to see that.”

He offered his mother a tight-lipped smile, trying to cling to her words as they left his room behind. Each step toward the ballroom tied the knots in his stomach tighter.

They arrived outside of the massive oak doors leading inside, the space aflutter with chatter as guests lined up for the royal procession. The ballroom shimmered with opulence, every surface adorned with gold and crystal. Chandeliers cast a warm glow over the guests.

Caroline grinned at them as they approached.

“Hello, Kingsleys. I’ll take you to your spot. Remember to bow or curtsy as the royal family passes, and do not speak to them even if they stop.”

Nate nodded as he glanced over his shoulder at his mother who wiggled her eyebrows at him. They followed Caroline into the room to take their spots. He glanced down the line, spotting the royal cousins at the head of it, before he turned to his mother. “Where are Stephen and Chloe?”

“I’m not certain,” she whispered before passing the question along to his father.

Charles shrugged and shook his head. Nate shifted his weight, wondering if someone should check on them when trumpets blared, calling his attention to double doors at the top of a set of stairs.

The trumpeters folded their instruments under their armas another man stepped forward. “Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, the royal family of Eldoria.”