“Please stop saying that.”
“I will not. I am asking for a chance. No more, no less. A chance. If you are so firmly set in accepting Mr. Kingsley, this should not matter at all, should it? You will consider me and simply move on.”
“But I have already done that.”
He approached her, gently setting his hands on her shoulders. “Have you? Or have you dismissedme even before giving me a chance? I feel it is the latter. You fled from Eldoria to the States to escape me. You had made a call even before we were reacquainted.”
Elena stared at her father’s desk, her eyebrows knitting as he spoke. Doubt gnawed at her insides, twisting her in knots. She loved Nate Kingsley, but what if he couldn’t handle the demands of royal life?
“Elena, please. All I am asking for is a chance. Let me prove to you that I can be the partner you need.”
Elena slid her eyes closed for a moment before she opened them and focused on Eric. His eyes pleaded, desperation clear in his glance. “I am sorry, but I cannot force myself to feel something that isn’t there. My heart belongs to Nate, and I won’t betray my own feelings nor ignore them.”
She pulled away from him and crossed to the door. “I must prepare for the parade. Please try to understand my decision.”
With a deep sigh, she stepped into the hall and hurried away from the room, finding Caroline as she climbed the stairs.
“Your Highness, there you are.”
Elena pressed a hand to her forehead, her features pinched. “Do you know where my father is?”
“His private study. Is everything all right?”
“No, it is not,” Elena said with a shake of her head.
“What is it?”
Elena sucked in a deep breath. “Oh, Caroline. Eric has just made it clear he hopes to win my hand. He begged me for a chance.”
Caroline’s eyebrows shot up as she leaned closer to whisper her response. “And what are your thoughts?”
“I love Nathan. Why can it not be as simple as that?”
Caroline patted her shoulder as she offered Elena aconsoling smile. “Perhaps it will be, Your Highness. I hope it is sorted soon.”
“Thank you. I’m going to find my father. I’ll see you soon to dress for the parade.”
“Yes, I’ll be waiting for you in your room.”
Elena nodded before she climbed the remaining stairs and navigated the halls to her father’s private study. She hesitated, her fist raised in the air, ready to knock.
She hated to have this conversation after the one she’d just endured. But it was best to have it and know what she faced.
She let her knuckles wrap against the wood, and a second passed before her father called for her to come in.
With a deep breath, she pushed into the room. “Hello, Father.”
He snapped his gaze from the window. “Elena. Come in. Sit.”
She shuffled into the room and collapsed into an armchair.
He eased into the chair across from her, his features softer than normal. “How was the conversation with Eric.”
“Tedious,” she answered with a sigh.
“Oh? Care to discuss it?”
“I don’t.” She raised her eyes to him, her features pleading. “Must I?”