They continued through the garden, making small talk about the upcoming events before they returned inside. Nate dropped Maddie at her room to change for the parade before he wandered to his. With every passing second, his stomach tied into a tighter knot as he realized he’d soon have to make small talk with the queen.

He pushed into his room, intent on going over the conversation list his mother made for him, but he froze the second he stepped inside.

His heart thudded against his ribs, and his palms turned sweaty as Stephen rose from one of his armchairs, his features twisted into a deep grimace.

“We need to talk,” his brother growled.

Nate’s jaw clenched as he wondered if they’d soon be in another fist fight. Would his revelation cost him both his brother and his fiancée?



Elena’s cheeks burned as she curled her fingers into fists, her glare set on Eric’s chiseled features. He returned her gesture, fire burning in his eyes.

“What is the meaning of this?” her father asked as he strode from his desk to stand between them.

“Eric is causing trouble. Last night, he accosted me in the hallway, insisted he sought my hand in marriage, then kissed me. And this morning, he took it upon himself to go to Nathan’s room and threaten him.”

“Is this true?” King Frederick shifted his gaze to Eric.

“Not the way she is saying it, no. But I did inform Elena last night of my intentions–intentions I have informed you of, as well. And yes, in a misguided attempt to woo her, I kissed her. I also spoke with Mr. Kingsley. I felt it a gentlemanly thing to do. I understand he seeks her hand as well.”

“Where did you hear that?” the king asked.

“It became obvious. One only needed to know of Elena’s trip, Mr. Kingsley’s origins, and see them together.”

“So, it is obvious we are in love, yet you have no respect for it, is that it?” Elena shouted.

Her father shot her a disapproving glance. “Elena, please!”

“Father, if he is to be a candidate to be my husband, I must be allowed to confront him on this.”

Eric arched an eyebrow. “I have every respect for your feelings, Elena, but I disagree with your decision entirely.”

The words sent heat rising into her cheeks as she tightened her jaw. He spoke to her like she was a child. “Really? And because you disagree, I should submit? What century do you live in?”

“That is not what I said at all,” Eric answered before he flicked his gaze to King Frederick. “Your Majesty, would it be possible for Elena and I to speak privately?”

“Yes, it is,” Elena answered. “I do not need my father’s permission to speak to you, obviously.”

“Yes,” King Frederick answered, ignoring her outburst, “we may continue our discussion later. I shall give you the room.”

Annoyance made her flesh crawl as her father kissed her cheek. “Find me when you are finished, darling. There are things I would like to discuss before the parade.”

She did not acknowledge the statement outside a slight nod as she wrinkled her nose, crossing her arms. As the door clicked shut behind her, she arched an eyebrow. “What is it you wanted to speak about privately?”

“Our relationship.”

“Then this should be a brief discussion. We have no relationship. There, it is finished.”

“That is not true,” Eric said as he eyed her. “You have no formal commitments at this time.”

“I certainly will have none with you.”

“Elena, please,” he said with a shake of his head. “You are doing yourself a disservice.”

“Disservice?” She barked out a laugh as she crossed to stare out the window. “Hardly. The only disservice I can see being done is if I agreed to marry you.”