The situation with Chloe’s cheating was bad enough, but the recent visit from Prince Eric had left him questioning everything again.
He’d just settled his mind that he could potentially be a good partner for Elena and then the Prince had knocked him down twelve pegs on the confidence ladder.
Would he even have the chance to have a relationship with Elena or would that be taken from him when her father sided with Prince Eric?
Had his entire trip to Eldoria been a waste? Merely a desperate grasp for a woman he could never attain?
He sank into his chair, letting his forehead fall against hisclasped hands. Elena seemed to think they would be perfectly fine, but he couldn’t see it.
The affable Prince Eric seemed like he fit right into the family. And why wouldn’t he? He’d been brought up to live this life. He didn’t muff up the titles or nearly fall off a runaway horse. He wasn’t a commoner.
The words stung, especially because of how true they rang. He’d mentioned it before to his sister, but hearing Prince Julian say the words with such disdain when referring to Chloe had churned up the old sentiment.
The royals really did look down their noses at commoners. Elena didn’t seem to, but the others certainly did. He would never be able to impress them as much as Prince Eric. And King Frederick would likely consider him the less desirable choice.
Elena would be forced to make a decision that she likely did not wish to make. Would she choose him if it meant abandoning her crown?
He shook his head as he rose and paced the floor. With a deep breath in and out, he decided to worry about that problem later. All it was doing now was providing a distraction from what he needed to do.
He’d decided to speak to his parents about Chloe. At the moment, though, the idea seemed far less appealing.
Despite the overwhelming weight of uncertainty, Nate squared his shoulders, determined to face the truth head-on. This moment marked a turning point–a testament to the sense of responsibility he now felt.
He grabbed his phone and toggled to his message with Elena. The audio recording of Prince Julian sat at the bottom. He wished a message of encouragement would pop up, too, but he knew she was busy.
He tapped the play button, and Julian’s voice droned on admitting his affair with Chloe, but that it would go nofurther because of her status. He tightened his jaw again as the words from the audio recording gnawed at his conscience, the disdain in Prince Julian’s voice like a dagger to his heart.
With the audio paused, he forced himself to leave his room behind. Every step down the hall to his parents’ room weighed heavier on him. He nearly turned around twice, certain the words wouldn’t come.
He worried he’d sound like the bitter jilted lover, intent on making things hard for his ex. He tried to tell himself he was protecting his brother, but even he questioned his own motives.
His parents would, too. And if the information came up when they told Stephen, it would lead to an issue.
With a shaky breath, he found himself standing in front of his parents’ door, ready to knock but unable to smack his knuckles against the wood. After a moment, he finally rapped against the door.
A second later, his mother, still in her robe, pulled the door open. “Nate. Hi, honey. We were enjoying a leisurely morning with a cup of tea on the veranda. Come in.”
“If I’m interrupting something–“ he began, hoping it was true, and he could leave the conversation for another time.
“No. Not at all. You’re up early. I thought you may sleep in with all the festivities today.”
Nate shoved his hands into his pockets as he stepped into their room and shrugged. “I’ll just be sitting through most of it.”
Victoria led him across the room to the open French doors that led to the balcony. “Not at the ball. How are you feeling about dancing with the Queen? Oh, I came up with some topics of conversation if you’re still stuck or haven’t asked Caroline yet.”
“Uh, yeah, great,” Nate said as hestepped outside.
“Nate, good morning,” his father said as he perused the local paper. “Interesting people, these Eldorians. Their news is…fascinating.”
Victoria picked up a paper as she settled into her chair. “You could ask about the weather in Eldoria, you know, show an interest in the country. You could also ask about her family, where she came from, that sort of thing.”
Nate’s mind whirled at the upcoming event, but he couldn’t deal with that now. He had to get the information off his chest about Chloe.
“Mom,” he said, his voice shaky as he stared at his feet.
Victoria’s features crinkled, and she set down her paper, rising to slip an arm around him. “What is it, honey?”
“There’s something I have to tell you.”