“Be careful who you threaten, cousin. I happen to know you are in quite a little pickle yourself right now.”

She whipped around to face him. “What do you mean by that?”

“Merely that I know your Mr. Kingsley has yet to gain your father’s approval, and that Prince Eric seems intent on wedding you.”

“How did you–“

He waved a hand in the air, dismissing her comment before she finished it. “Never mind. Let’s just say I have my sources. It would be a terrible shame if something were to happen to ruin Mr. Kingsley’s chances, wouldn’t it?”

Fire burned in her cheeks as she curled her fingers into fists again. “Don’t you dare do anything to him, Julian.”

“Of course not,” he answered. “As long as our deal stands.”

“I will speak with father first thing after the royal visit.”

“Excellent. And good luck with your…situation.” His smirk twisted her stomach into a knot. She set her jaw as she left his room behind, slamming the door on the way out.

She fished into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone, stopping the recording. Her thumb pushed the timeline backward before she pressed the play button. Julian’s admission echoed in the hall.

A satisfied smile spread across her features as she pocketed it. Now, she had the evidence she needed and could use it in any way she liked.

She retreated down the hall, threading her way back to Nate’s room.

As she rounded the corner into the hall containing Nate’s bedroom, she froze. Nate’s door opened, and Eric strode from inside.

She darted around the corner as she stared after him. What had he been doing in Nate’s room?

Heat washed over her as she stormed to the door and banged against it.

It opened in a second. “Ifyou–Oh, Ellie, hi.”

She pushed past him into the room and spun to face him. “What was Eric doing here?”

“Uh,” Nate answered, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “Just…saying hello.”

Elena arched an eyebrow. “Eric was here to say hello?”

Nate swallowed hard as he shrugged.

Elena stared at him, hoping the weight of her gaze informed him that she wanted the truth.

“Sorry,” Nate said with a shake of his head. “He wasn’t here to say hello. I just…didn’t want to dump more on your plate, Ellie.”

Her features pinched. “You’re not, darling. We’re a team. We work on things together, not separately.”

Nate heaved a sigh. “He came to…warn me.”

“Warn you?”

Nate bobbed his head. “He’s going to pursue you. He wants the arranged marriage to stick.”

Her blood ran cold as he spoke, a shiver snaking down her spine. Eric had come to her beau to warn him that he intended to seek her hand. A bold and aggressive move. And one designed to frighten someone else off the path. Would it frighten Nate?

She fluttered her eyelashes as she shook her head. “Oh, no.”

“Sorry,” he answered with a shake of his head. “I told you I didn’t want to add more to your already full plate, but…I couldn’t lie to you.”

“I can’t lie to you either. You haven’t added anything. Eric made it clear last night. He surprised me in the hall as I left and said he intended to pursue my hand.”