“So, you will fight for her hand?”
“I will,” Nate answered.
“Then may the best man win. Though I warn you, Kingsley, I not only have the king’s ear and approval, but I will do whatever it takes to win. Whatever it takes.”
With the threat hanging between them, the man strode to the door, offered a “good day” and slipped into the hall, allowing the door to slam behind him.
Nate startled at the noise, a sudden chill running down his spine as an ominous feeling settled over him.
He’d come here at a disadvantage, and now he was worse off. Would he ever be able to win Elena’s hand?
Elena’s fingers curled and uncurled into and out of tight fists as she made her way through the palace halls. Her heart thudded hard against her ribs as she formulated her discussion with him.
While it was typical of his behavior, she hated the problem it would cause within the Kingsley family, particularly for Nate.
Her heart broke for him. Plunged into a world of pomp and circumstance, he still struggled to get his bearings and now faced a family crisis.
Stephen had been exceptionally rude when she’d met him, a product of the fight between the two men over one woman: Chloe.
The gold-digger appeared to be searching for more opulent pastures despite marrying Stephen in a surprise move before they’d come to Eldoria.
Elena pondered whether the woman had strong-armedNate’s brother into marriage just to get herself into the country to meet the royals.
Either way, it didn’t matter. They had to deal with the situation. And Nate needed her help with it.
She pressed her lips together as she rounded a corner. She hadn’t even told her paramour about the odd conversation she’d had with Prince Eric last night. He had enough on his plate without needing to hear that.
Plus, she had no intention on accepting the prince’s offer.
She set her jaw as she approached Julian’s bedroom and pounded against the door with her palm. “Julian? Open the door at once.”
No one answered.
She slapped the door again, her lips pressed into a thin line. “I said open this door at once!”
A second later, the barrier fell away. Julian offered her a smarmy smile as he finished buttoning his suit jacket. “Heavens, Elena, I thought perhaps there was a fire.”
“There is. And you lit it.” She pushed past him into his bedroom.
He twisted to face her, arching an eyebrow. “Is there? Do you care to let me in on this little…issue that is somehow my fault?”
“Are you or are you not bedding Chloe Kingsley?”
“My, we are blunt,” Julian answered as he clasped his hands in front of him. “What business is it of yours?”
“I demand to know.”
“It is a private matter. And I’m not one to kiss and tell.”
Elena scoffed at the statement. “Hardly the case, but that is beside the point. I want an honest answer now, Julian.”
“Or what?”
“I will tell my father about my suspicions.”