“Well, it would allow you to get it off your chest. And perhaps they are the best ones to tell Stephen.”

“Maybe. But no matter who tells him, the minute he hears it came from me, he’s going to dismiss it.”

She pressed her lips together into a consoling smile. “Maybe so, but you’ve done your duty to him. What he does with the information is entirely up to him.”

Nate stalked a few steps away from her, crossing his arms as he stared out the window. “I know, but…”

“But it bothers you because it brings up painful memories,” she finished as she slid her hands around his shoulders and rested her chin on one.

“I guess that’s it, maybe. I don’t know. I don’t like Chloe. Maybe I am just hoping to oust her from the family so I don’t have to deal with her.”

“You aren’t,” Elena answered. “You did not create this situation. You are merelyreporting it.”

“But am I reporting it because I really want to help Stephen or because I really don’t like Chloe.”

“Does it matter?”

He sighed, staring down at his feet. “It does to me. I’m trying to do what’s right, not what’s easiest.”

“It’s easiest not to say a word and allow your brother to be scammed or potentially hurt more than he already will be. You are hardly taking the easy route.”

He bobbed his head, allowing her words to sink in. Was she merely propping up his ego or did she honestly think his intentions were honorable?

Even if she believed it, he wasn’t certain he did. He’d imagined the conversation between him and his brother spiraling out of control with insults hurled. He didn’t want that.

Elena rubbed his shoulders, though the tension didn’t dissipate. “How about if I speak with Julian? He won’t stop doing what he’s doing, but if he admits to it, then I can back you up if you choose to tell someone.”

He twisted to face her, his features pinching. “Ellie, I don’t want to drag you into the middle of this. I know I asked you for that last night, but…this morning, it seems like a terrible idea.”

“You’re not asking me for it, I am offering. And…we are meant to be a team, are we not? We tackle problems together. I would expect the same, you know?” She offered him a cheeky grin.

“Oh, I see, you’re banking this up for when you need to run options for your country past me.”

“Exactly.” She gave him a quick peck before she stepped back. “I’ll speak with Julian now. You wait here. After the conversation, we’ll discuss the best next steps.”

“What are you going to do if he denies it?”

Elena rolled her eyes. “Julian likely won’t. In fact, he’lllord it over me like he’s won some sort of contest. Anyway, try to relax. I’ll be back soon.”

He reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Ellie…thank you.”

“Of course.”

She disappeared from the room, closing the door behind her. The smile that played on his lips slipped away with her. At least, though, he had help. He didn’t feel so alone. He felt like they were a team again. Like they’d been in Sterling City.

After coming to Eldoria and immersing himself in her life, he’d worried they’d be like ships in the night if they married. But now, it felt like old times.

He resumed his pacing back and forth as he waited for her to return. He imagined a conversation with Stephen while Elena was present to back him up. She’d tell him Julian had admitted to the affair. But Stephen would merely accuse them both of lying. He’d say Elena only went along with him because she didn’t like him.

Maybe telling his parents was for the best. But somehow, it felt like he was a whiny child, tattle-taling on his younger brother.

As he swung around for another pass across the room, a knock sounded at the door. His heart lifted. It must have been a quick conversation with Julian, he assumed, as he crossed to it and tugged it open.

“That was…fast.” The last word came out slower than he expected as his mind processed the figure at the door.

His brows furrowed as he studied the chiseled features of Prince Eric. He swallowed hard, searching for his voice. “Your Highness. This is a surprise.”

“Is it? I apologize for disturbing your morning, though there is something I would urgently like to discuss with you privately.”