“We are,” Elena said, finally flicking her gaze to her ladies’ maid. “I’m not the type to go bouncing around from man to man. I’ve made my choice.”

“It’s a large choice, Your Highness. It’s perfectly all right if you are still thinking.”

Elena’s shoulders slumped. “Why does everyone assume that I cannot possibly have made up my own mind about this? That I will sway to another man?”

“No one thinks you are swaying or that you have not made up your mind, but…”

Elena’s eyes went wide as she prompted her ladies’ maid to continue.

“Your role in life is unique. You must choose a spouse who both understands and supports it.”

Elena chewed her lower lip as she shifted her weight, her eyes catching sight of the flowers on her nightstand. Her mind flitted back to the conversation she’d had with her mother yesterday at the country estate.

“Can we please change the subject?” she asked.

“Of course. I have many questions about your preferred jewelry for the evening. Let’s discuss that.”

After Elena made her selections, she eased onto the stool at the vanity, ready for Caroline to begin her hair for the evening.

With a half-up, half-down style complete, she changed into her dinner clothes, donned her shoes and jewelry, and pulled on her gloves.

She made her way downstairs for cocktails, finding her parents already awaiting her, but no one else.

“Good evening, darling, you look lovely,” her mother said with a kiss to her cheek.

“Thank you, Mother.”

“The roses from Prince Eric were beautiful. I hope you thanked him properly for them.”

“I did,” Elena answered, annoyance already creeping up at the conversation. Her parents clearly still hoped she’d find some redeeming quality in the foreign prince.

The arrival of her cousins and their parents followed by the Kingsleys interrupted any further conversation between them, thankfully. Elena greeted Nate before she chatted with her aunt and uncle before she moved to speak with Victoria and Maddie.

The other royal family entered the room and introductions were made where needed.

Queen Elisabeth took a sip of her sherry as she settled into an armchair. “Well, I believe we were promised a concert, were we not?”

“Yes, Mother,” Eric answered as he set his drink aside and offered his arm to Elena. “My dear.’

Elena offered Nate an apologetic smile as she accepted it and allowed him to lead her to the piano. They settled onto the bench, agreed upon a song, and began to play.

Elena’s gloved fingers danced across the keys as his deftly added to her melody. His touch was quite good, she thought, offering him a grin. He matched her expression as they finished their song and applause rang out.

Eric rose from his seat, taking Elena’s hand to assist her to stand before he bowed and waved a hand her way, implying she was the real master.

“You’re quite good,” he answered as chatter overtookthe room again.

“Thank you, you aren’t so bad yourself.”

Before their conversation could continue, Nate approached them. “That was lovely, Ellie.”

“Ellie?” Eric asked, his eyelashes fluttering.

“A nickname from my time in the States,” she explained.

“Oh, do you very much prefer it?”

She shrugged. “No, I’m quite used to both.”