Nate swallowed hard, his insides churning at the words. He shook his head instinctively, both in disagreement and in disbelief.

“Oh, yes, my dear Mr. Kingsley. I batted my eyelashes and pouted. ‘But Uncle, I thought he was attracted to me. All those lingering gazes. The light brushes of my hand during dinner.’”

He screwed up his face. “I didn’t touch you during dinner.”

She shrugged. “Perception is reality. And we are paired for the first dance at the ball.”

“No,” he answered with a shake of his head. “We’re not. His Majesty changed the pairings. I’m paired with Queen Sophia now. You are paired with Prince Eric.”

She raised her eyebrows at the words before a frown settled on her face. “We’ll see about that.”

With a huff, she stormed past him down the hall, leaving him alone. He blew out a long breath as he hurried to his room and locked himself inside. That woman really had it out for him…or Elena…or both.

Either way, he was glad to be rid of her. He hoped she’d stop causing problems, but it seemed like there was no end in sight.

He grabbed his phone, ready to text Elena about the incident before he shook his head. He had to learn how to deal with her family himself. He couldn’t text her after every little problem.

But still, maybe it would make him feel better. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard before he shook his head and tossed it down.

Instead, he’d practice his dance steps a few more times before he had to change for dinner. He lifted his arms into his frame and tried to keep his footsteps light as he counted in his head. In the large, full-length mirror, he caught sight of himself, causing him to stumble.

He slowed his steps, staring at his reflection. With a hard swallow, he raised his arms again and checked that his arms weren’t slumping or he wasn’t leaning over his imaginary partner.

He imagined Queen Sophia in front ofhim, making his heart pound hard against his chest. “Hi, Your Highness…no, stupid Nate. Your Majesty.”

Through the glass, he bobbed his head at himself. “Not hi...Good evening, Your Majesty.”

He bowed, his hands still stuck in his closed form waltz frame. With a roll of his eyes, he shook his head. “No, first a regular bow.”

Hinging at the hips, he practiced his bow. “Good evening, Your Majesty.”

He raised his arms again into position before he danced around the room. “Yes, Iamenjoying the ball. Did you have fun at the parade?”

He pressed his lips together. “No, don’t say that. Say…The parade was most exciting, wasn’t it?”

With a wince, he slowed his steps. “That sounds ridiculous. Ummm, yes, I am enjoying the ball, and I thought the parade was…was…was what?”

He snatched his phone from the bed and searched for synonyms for nice. “Marvelous? No. Superb.”

His nose wrinkled. “I’m never going to be able to dance and talk to Elena’s mother at the same time.”

He sighed and sank onto the edge of the bed, convinced he’d lose any chance of winning Elena’s hand after the first waltz at the royal ball.

A deep sigh escaped him as he tossed his phone aside. “Buck up, Nate. You need to impress the woman. Ellie’s counting on you.”

He pulled himself from his seat on the bed’s edge and changed his clothes for their informal dinner. He’d ask Caroline for the appropriate topics of conversation and practice a few before the ball. He could speak with people. He’d done it lots of times at galas and benefits.

His upbringing had been filled with social events, thoughnone of them compared to the pomp and protocol of royal life.

And he’d never tried to impress his future mother-in-law. Chloe had been insistent that he never meet her mother, likely because she had been a money-grubbing grifter. Who was now married to his brother, he reminded himself.

He pushed into the hall and strode down it, shaking his head. Why had Stephen married her? And right before his trip to Eldoria?

Not that he wanted any parts of his ex-fiancée, but he also didn’t want to be reminded of her at every turn.

He turned the corner, his brows furrowing. He must have made a wrong turn. He’d never been in this hall before.

“Great, I can’t even find my way around the country estate,” he murmured.