“I am sorry, I–”

King Frederick held up a hand, stopping his words. “Your Majesty is perfectly fine.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, thank you.” He tried to steady his breathing. He’d never get the man’s approval with his goofs. “And thank you for your invitation. Your country is very beautiful.”

“Thank you. We find it very charming. I do hope you will find it so.”

“Well, everyone has been so welcoming, it’s hard not to.”

“I assume Elena offered you a tour of the estate?”

His eyes went wide. Was he supposed to admit that he’d spent time with her or was this a trick question? If he said no and was caught in a lie though…

“It’s quite all right, Mr. Kingsley. I am well aware that you will spend private time with her.”

Nate offered him a more genuine smile than the nervous one he’d plastered onto his features earlier. “Yes, she showed everyone around. The gardens are really breathtaking.”

“And I hope you will enjoy our country estate as well.”

“I’m sure we will,” Nate said with a nod.

“I am hoping you and I can find the time to have a private chat.”

Nate’s chest constricted, his stomach twisting into a knot. A private chat with the king? He imagined the ways it could be twisted into proof that he wasn’t the man for Elena. But, despite his trepidation, he found himself bobbing his head. “That would be wonderful, sir. I’m looking forward to it.”

He wasn’t. He hoped the man couldn’t detect the lie.

King Frederick grinned at him. “Excellent. I look forward to our conversation, as well. And now…” The King let his gaze shift to his daughter. “I am certain you would like to speak with Elena.”

Nate wondered if this was another test. If he said yes, maybe he’d come across as clingy. But if he said no, he might seem uninterested.

Instead, Nate stood with a stupid grin on his face, his eyes wide.

“It is not a trick, Mr. Kingsley. You wish to marry her, so I am certain you would like to speak with her.”

“Yes, I would,” Nate saidwith a chuckle.

The king waved an arm toward her before he stepped away. Nate hurried across the room, hoping not to be accosted by anyone else.

He joined Alexander and Elena with a smile that reached his eyes. “Hey, Ellie.”

“Nathan, there you are. I saw you speaking with my father. Everything okay?”

“Uh, yes, he…asked to speak with me privately at the country estate. I hope that’s a good thing.”

“Very good,” Alexander answered with a grin. “A private audience with the king means you have his ear. If he found you completely unsuitable, you wouldn’t be here. And you certainly would not have scored a private audience.”

Nate swallowed hard. Was he winning the battle? It seemed too easy. “Thank you, Your…”

He winced, narrowing his eyes at the man.

“Highness,” Elena whispered.

“Right. Majesty for your father and mother, Highness for everyone else.” Nate bobbed his head up and down.

“Alexander is perfectly fine, Nathan. Really. Although with my brother and sister, you’d better stick with Highness.”

“Thanks,” he said with a grateful grin as dinner was announced.