“Oh, thank you,” Victoria said as she crossed to Nate and squeezed his shoulder. “How kind of her. Perhaps, I should gather the rest of the gang so they can all hear this.”

“Lovely, I will await you in the hall.”

Victoria excused herself as Nate slipped into the hall with Caroline, clearing his throat as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

“How are you navigating the royal realm thus far, Mr. Kingsley?” Caroline asked.

“Oh, uh, okay, I guess. It’s very…different from at home.”

“I’m certain it is which is why Her Highness is making her best effort to set you all at ease.”

He swallowed hard. It was…odd hearing things from Elena through a staff member. “I appreciate that.”

Caroline offered him a warm smile. “I promise, it will become easier. Princess Elena is striving not only to set you at ease, but also her parents. King Frederick and Queen Sophia are lovely people, too. And Her Highness sincerely hopes you will all see how wonderful you each are.”

His family joined him in the hall, cutting off any other conversation between them, and Caroline flipped her folderopen. “Just a few things Her Highness wished to remind you of. There are seating cards for your places. Mr. Kingsley, just a reminder, you will not be seated near Her Highness, but rather several seats away. Please do not take your seats until King Frederick has taken his. Conversation before dinner is served is led by the Queen, look to her for the direction you should turn to speak to your dinner partners.”

She pulled a pen from the portfolio and checked something off before she continued. “There are several courses. In each course, when the Queen stops eating, you should stop eating. Don’t worry, Queen Sophia is adept at reading the table to allow you enough time to eat.

Nate’s eyes widened slightly. At his own dinner table, no one stopped eating when his mother stopped. What an odd tradition.

“Stay away from topics such as politics and religion. And, if at all possible, do not comment on Eldorian traditions. You may elect to defer the subject to the native Eldorians, who will, undoubtedly, have something to say.”

“Seems easy enough,” Victoria answered.

“And please try to enjoy yourselves. I know this sounds like a lot of rules and restrictions, but I imagine it’s quite similar to what you would expect at your own dining table.”

Victoria smiled at her. “I just said the same thing to Nate. I think the royals aren’t that different from the rest of us.”

“They are not, I promise. Princess Elena is the same vivacious woman you knew in the States. And now, if you’re ready, I will escort you to the sitting room for cocktails.”

Nate allowed his mother and sister along with Stephen and Chloe to precede him, hanging back and shuffling behind them with his father.

“How are you holding up?” Charles asked.

“Oh, I’m okay. Just nervous about breaking a protocol and noteven knowing it.”

Charles clapped him on the shoulder. “Ah, they’re people too, son. They put their pants on one leg at a time.”

“With the help of their assistant,” Nate said.

“Right. Call me crazy, but I’m not sure I’d want a guy dressing me.”

Nate laughed at the admission as they descended the stairs. Caroline pushed open the doors and waved them inside. The royals already milled around the room with drinks in their hands.

The staff served Nate and his family drinks of their choice and they mingled with the others. Nate swallowed hard as he sipped his ginger ale, wondering if he was allowed to approach Elena. Queen Sophia chatted with his mother and Maddie. Chloe and Stephen talked with Isabelle and Julian.

He took a step toward Elena, who spoke with Alexander near the window when King Frederick stepped in front of him, blocking his path.

He offered the man a nervous grin, his knees wobbling.

“Mr. Kingsley, lovely to see you again.”

“Same,” Nate said. “Ah, it’s very nice to see you again, sir, King, Your Highness.”

Nate mentally kicked himself for fumbling the name and forgetting what to call the man.

The king’s lips curled on the edges, and he offered a warm chuckle. “Well, it is not every day I am addressed with such a varied selection of titles in one breath.”