“Choose your path with the utmost care, Elena.” His voice, a cold gust filled with a sinister tone. “A single misstep could mean the crown will slip from your grasp.”

He let the statement hang between them for a moment before he pushed past her and strode down the hall.

She stared after him, her fingers curling into fists as she set her jaw. So, her cousin meant to make this difficult for her. She wouldn’t let him, she resolved.

Deep inside her, though, the seed of doubt that he would win planted itself, twisting her stomach into a knot. Would he win?



Nate breathed out a long sigh as he fiddled with his bow tie before he let the ends fall and yanked it from around his neck. He stretched his neck as he slid his eyes closed.

The last twenty-four hours hadn’t been what he expected. First the admission from his brother about his surprise marriage to Chloe and then the culture shock as he entered the royal world of Eldoria.

Not even his brief time alone with Elena had settled him much. His nerves remained on edge, especially after the warning he’d received about her cousins.

He hadn’t expected everyone in Eldoria to be overly welcoming. In fact, he’d prepared to receive a less-than-warm reception from Elena’s parents as they used the opportunity to decide if he was fit for royal life.

He couldn’t complain. He’d gotten his parents' feedback on Elena, terrified to make another mistake that would sendhim spiraling out of control again.

But now he faced a new terror: losing Elena because he used the wrong fork at dinner.

Maybe he was being too hard on himself. He doubted their engagement would be called over a salad fork, but the royals seemed persnickety about everything.

And the waltzing had him twisted in a knot, too. His sister gushed about it, but he imagined tripping over his own two feet, knocking into a foreign dignitary or royal and causing an international incident.

A knock at his door pulled him from his spiraling thoughts. He crossed to the massive piece of carved wood and tugged it open.

His features melted as he spotted his mother’s smiling face. “Mom, can you–”

“Tie your tie? Yes.” She grinned at him as she slipped inside. “I had a feeling you’d need some help.”


She slid the tie around his neck and adjusted the length before she started to twist it together.

“I guess I’m probably not royal material, after all. Can’t even manage my own bowtie.”

She chuckled at him, her eyes focused on the bowtie. “I’m pretty certain they all have valets to deal with this.”

Nate wrinkled his eyebrows as she lifted her gaze to him, still fiddling with the fabric.

“What? Ellie has a ladies’ maid. That’s what she does. She dresses her, attends to her needs.”

“Oh, yeah, I guess. It’s just…I don’t know. At home, we dress ourselves.”

Victoria finished his tie and patted his lapels. “There you go. Yes, we do, but you’ll get used to it. And you won’t have to learn to tie your tie.”

“I know how to tie it. I just can’t do itwhen I’m nervous. It comes out all lopsided.” He glanced in the mirror, lifting his chin as he adjusted his jacket.

His mother joined him staring into the mirror, sliding her arm around his waist as she smiled at him through the reflection. “Nate, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just…couldn’t tie the tie.”

“You’re nervous.”

“Well, yeah. I don’t want to spill soup on Queen Sophia or use the wrong fork or say the wrong thing to King Frederick.”