Her stomach tightened into a knot. What else?

“When we met…you used the name Ellie, but you do prefer Elena?”

She grinned at him. “Whatever you prefer, darling. I don’t mind being called Ellie.”

“I’ve gotten used to it,” he said with a shrug.

“As have I,” she said with a smile.

“Ellie it is, then.”

They leaned closer, their lips meeting again before aknock at the door interrupted them. His shoulders slumped as he leapt from his seat and hurried to the door.

He pulled it open, a smile crossing his features. “Hey, Mom. Come in.”

She stepped inside, a tentative smile on her face before she spotted Elena. “Oh, hello, Ellie. Elena.”

“She’s good with Ellie,” Nate said with a nod as he closed the door behind them.

“Right. I’m sorry to interrupt, I didn’t realize you were here. I just wanted to check in on Nate.”

Elena rose from her seat to join the woman, pulling her into a hug. “Perfectly fine, Mrs. Kingsley. You are not interrupting, and it’s lovely to see you.”

Victoria squeezed her tightly before she leaned back. “It’s lovely to see you, too. And your mother is very kind. Our room is lovely.”

“I’m so glad you’re finding it so. I was about to invite Nathan for a tour of the palace and its grounds. Would you and the rest of the family like to join us?”

“Oh, uh,” Victoria slid her gaze to Nate, “well, I’m sure you two would like to be alone.”

“We would love for you to join us,” Elena said.

“Yes. I’d really like you to see the property so when I get lost, you can help me find my room,” he said with a chuckle.

“Well, we’d be happy to join you. I’m looking forward to seeing the grounds, and I know your sister can’t wait to explore.”

“Well, she is most welcome to explore as much as she likes with or without us, though I thought a little tour may be warranted so you can feel at home.”

Victoria squeezed her hands, offering a grateful smile. “You are already making us feel comfortable. I just hope we can be as gracious guests as you are a host.”

“I haveno doubt, though…”

Victoria tugged her lips back in a grimace as she eyed Elena. “Oh no. Have we already committed a faux pas?”

“No, no,” Elena said with a shake of her head. “Nothing like that, but…I have already told Nathan that if you are unsure of anything, look to me, Caroline, or Alexander. Whatever you do, do not follow any advice from my cousins Julian or Isabelle.”

Victoria shifted her weight as she raised her eyebrows. “Oh, okay.”

“Alexander is invested in seeing you succeed, though the other two will cause trouble just to feel superior. I’m afraid my family is a bit…complicated.”

Victoria breathed out a laugh. “Well, you know how complicated ours is. You witnessed a fist fight between my sons.”

“It’s quite similar here, though there are no fists involved. And much to Julian’s chagrin, Alexander is quite a bit better at fencing and most athletic things.”

“I see. Well, at least your family has a bit more decorum than mine seemed to have. I hope that does not happen again. How are you handling Stephen’s announcement?” Victoria twisted to face her son, rubbing his shoulder.

He shrugged. “I’m…surprised but it has nothing to do with me.”

Elena searched his features for any sign of distress over the news.