Isabelle held her gaze for another moment before she left the room behind. Elena let out a breath as Caroline crossed to her. “Do not allow her to upset you, Your Highness.”
“Too late,” Elena grumbled. She frowned as a storm of anxiety brewed within her. “She will make trouble, Caroline, mark my words.”
“Oh, darling. She cannot make trouble on her own.”
Caroline’s attempt at reassurance did little to quell the rising tide of worry. “Yes, she can, firstly,” Elena answered, her gaze snapping from where Isabelle had stood to Caroline’s face. “And secondly, she is not alone. Between her, Julian, and my father, I am certain they can find a way to ruin this.”
Caroline cupped Elena’s cheek in her hand. “And I am certain you can find a way to rise above it.”
“I am pleased you have faith in me, Caroline. Now, if I am not mistaken, you have cleared my schedule for the afternoon, correct?”
“That is correct. I assumed you would wish to spend some private time with your young manand perhaps his family to acquaint them with the palace, its grounds, and…its people.”
“As always, you assumed correctly. I shall see you to dress for dinner?”
“Yes, although perhaps you wish to change now?”
“Oh,” Elena said as she glanced down at her riding outfit. “Perhaps, quickly, yes.”
They hurried to her bedroom suite, and Caroline had her into a new outfit in less than fifteen minutes.
After thanking her, Elena hastened through the halls to the wing where her guests were staying. With a grin playing on her lips, she knocked at Nate’s door.
It opened a moment later, and he greeted her with a tentative smile. “Hey.”
“Hello,” she said as she slipped inside and eased the door shut behind them.
“Oh, uh, is this allowed?”
“I don’t care,” she answered, sliding her arms around his neck. “I’d like a proper greeting away from prying eyes.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer before he leaned in for a kiss. Their lips brushed, evoking the same sparks as the act had in Sterling City.
“I have missed that.”
“So have I,” he said. “I…would have kissed you earlier but Caroline said no public displays of affection.”
“Caroline is correct,” Elena said, her arms still locked around his neck. “PDAs are frowned upon. Which is why I slipped into your bedroom.”
“It’s going to be hard not to kiss you in public.”
“Nor hold hands,” she answered with a frown.
She fluttered her eyelashes. “Sorry, darling. Protocols are quite strict.”
“Right,” he said with a flick of his eyebrows. “Better grab another kiss while I can then.”
She smiled before she leaned closer to brush his lips again. When she pulled back, she studied his features. “How are you finding things so far?”
“Well, the room is beautiful. Your palace is beautiful. The country is–“
“Beautiful,” she said with a nod. “Yes. I mean how areyou?”
He sucked in a breath, his smile faltering. “Nervous.”
“You needn’t be. You did quite well this afternoon. You will find your way. And you can always look to me, Caroline, or Alexander for help.”