His eyes fell on the woman sitting next to him. She seemed the same, but so different. He’d never seen her in her element before. They’d only spent time together alone when she had been pretending to be Ellie Greenfield.
But he’d done the same thing to her. Given her a fake name and a fake occupation to ensure she wasn’t after his money. He’d been the same person, though. Would she be the Ellie he’d come to love?
Suddenly, his musings and the light conversation around him were interrupted by the arrival of another woman. Her dark hair matched Elena’s but everything else was different about her.
His eyes flicked to Elena.
“Everyone, this is my cousin, Isabelle. And there is no need to stand on ceremony. Please feel free to remain seated.”
The frown on Isabelle’s features was unmistakable. She hadn’t liked Elena’s declaration based off of the expression and fire burning in her eyes. “Sorry to be late, Aunt Sophia.”
“Quite all right, Isabelle,” Sophia answered with a polite smile. “We were merely discussing the events of the next several weeks.”
“And are they all to be so…relaxed?” she asked, eyeing the Kingsleys with a wrinkled nose.
“Really, sister,” Alexander said as he retrieved another finger sandwich, “if it bothers you, perhaps you should follow the custom which would require you to curtsy to myself, Elena, and Aunt Sophia.”
She accepted a cup of tea from her aunt as her eyes bore into her brother. “I was only asking so I do not lead any astray.”
“Of course, you were,” he said with a closed-lipped grin at her.
Nate shifted in his seat, recognizing the signs of a difficult sibling relationship. He wondered what the relationship was like with Julian, the sibling he had met, and whom Elena was convinced had created the issue with her father.
“Formalities will stand as appropriate,” Queen Sophia answered. “The tea is rather informal, so there is no need to have our guests hopping from their seats at the door opening.”
The woman settled into a chair on the fringes of the conversation. Nate wondered if her lips were permanently set into a scowl.
Conversation continued around him as Nate studied the woman for another moment. It appeared family politics were as tense as the relationships in his own family.
Time ticked by and as teacups neared being empty, the doors opened again, revealing King Frederick’s imposing figure. Elena offered him a gentle nudge with her elbow as she sprang from her seat. He bounced up next to her, noticing everyone except the queen stood.
King Frederick strode into the room and everyone bowed or curtsied.
Elena remained standing when Isabelle and Alexander sat. Nate shifted his weight from foot to foot as the man set his eyes on him.
Elena slid her arm through Nate’s. “Father, I would love you to meet several more of the Kingsleys. You remember Nathan, and Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley.”
“Yes,” he said with a nod. “Such a pleasure to see you again.”
“And Nathan’s sister, Maddie, his brother, Stephen, and his new wife, Chloe.”
“Lovely to meet each of you. And how are you finding ourlittle country?”
“It’s very lovely,” Victoria answered. “We were just telling your wife how beautiful it is.”
He smiled at her, his hands clasped behind his back as he listened politely. Elena returned to her seat, tugging Nate with her. The others settled into theirs again, too.
They chatted for several more moments before the king bid them adieu and the tea party started to break up.
Queen Sophia rose from her seat with a gracious smile. “It has been a lovely afternoon. I look so forward to getting to know you better. Martin will show you all to your rooms. I do hope you enjoy your stay.”
The Queen strode from the room, her assistant scurrying behind her.
“Well, that went rather well,” Alexander said with a grin at them. “You’ll do quite well here.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Victoria said. “I’ll admit, I was a little nervous. Elena, your mother is so kind, though.”
“Thank you,” Elena answered with a grin.