He blew out a long breath as he nodded. “Right.”
A scoff sounded behind him before Chloe mumbled under her breath to Stephen, “I would not want this, babe. So rigid.”
“I think it’s very cool,” Maddie said as she caught wind of the statement. “So fancy.”
“If you all are ready, we’ll go inside, and I’ll present you to the queen.”
Nate’s throat parched as they shuffled through the door and into the ornate foyer. A crest with swords hung over a set of double doors. A thick red runner led up white marble stairs to another level.
Two guards flanked the doors on the inside as well. They slid the doors closed before clasping their hands and standing at attention, their eyes staring forward.
A moment later, a blonde, her features similar to Elena’s, especially her sparkling emerald eyes,strode from an upstairs hall, descending the stairs in her smart skirt suit, her hands clasped one over the other in front of her.
A woman with a portfolio clutched to her chest followed behind her.
The blonde approached them, a polite smile spreading across her soft features. The woman with her flanked her. “May I present Queen Sophia.”
Caroline cleared her throat, prompting everyone to bow or curtsy. As Nate rose from his bow, she nodded, the smile still frozen on her face.
“Welcome to our country and our home,” she said, her voice soft and tempered. The practiced poised, likely honed over a lifetime, amazed him.
“Nathan,” she said as she bobbed her head at him. “I am so pleased to have the chance to learn more about you…and your family.”
She expertly shifted her eyes to them. “Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley, from what I have heard from my daughter, you are to be credited with raising a wonderful son, and a beautiful family.”
His mother let out a nervous chuckle as she clasped her hands together until her knuckles turned white. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“Of course.”
Victoria bobbed her head, the grin still stuck on her features.
“And Maddie,” Sophia said, focusing on the blonde.
His sister swallowed hard, lowering her chin. “Elena tells me she has found a fast friend in you.”
“I really like her,” Maddie said with a nervous smile.
Sophia smiled again before she finally set her eyes on Stephen and Chloe. Nate arched an eyebrow. How would the Queen react to his brother and his new wife holding hands in front of her. “And Stephen and Chloe, I understandyou have married. I wish you a lifetime of happiness together.”
“Thank you,” Stephen answered as Chloe shot her an insincere smile, likely overwhelmed by the woman’s quiet composure.
“Shall we go into the sitting room for tea?” The Queen’s polite smile never left her gracious features.
Caroline motioned for them to enter through the double doors under the shield. Nate shuffled inside after his parents, suddenly wondering if there was a certain seat he should take or if he could sit anywhere.
“Elena is riding with Prince Alexander. She should return soon, but we will begin without her.”
A set of maids arrived with a large tea tray and a towering, tiered serving tray filled with finger sandwiches and tea cakes.
“Please sit,” Queen Sophia said after she eased into an armchair.
Caroline nodded at them, mouthing “anywhere.”
Nate perched on the edge of the couch, his eyes falling on a portrait hanging across from him. His eyebrow arched as he stared at Elena, a tiara on her head and a scepter and orb clutched in her hands. With a regal look, her painted eyes stared, smile-free, at him from the portrait.
He gulped, wondering if she’d be different here than the Elena he knew. Memories of their shared laughter in a distant world flooded his mind, contrasting sharply with her current royal confinement. Would they still connect, or had her crown built a wall too high to breach?
The others found seats, and Queen Sophia poured the tea, handing cups to each of them before she lifted her own to her lips. He studied her, her back rail straight and the slight smile still turning up the corner of her lips.