“A little,” he said with a chuckle. “But I’m excited to see Elena.”

Truthfully, he wondered if it would be any different. Would she be different as Princess Elena instead of just his Ellie?

His heart, a battleground of hope and dread, thuddedagainst his ribs as he exited the plane, breathing in the clean, crisp Eldorian air.

The lush greenery and thick forests that rose around them reminded him of illustrations in fairy tales. He wondered if they’d used this country as a model when they’d drawn those pictures.

“Wow,” Maddie exclaimed from behind him as she descended the stairs. “This place is amazing. It’s so pretty.”

“It really is beautiful here,” his mother agreed as they stepped onto the tarmac and crossed to the waiting limousine.

Nate slid inside, blowing out a long breath as he wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs. Thankfully, he wouldn’t have to shake anyone’s hands. From what he’d read, he needed to bow to the King and Queen and even Elena. But they didn’t shake hands.

They wouldn’t know how nervous he was, at least.

Everyone else piled into the car. Stephen and Chloe, their hands entwined took the seats across from him. He shifted down, trying to keep them out of his sightline.

Maddie squealed as the car set off. “I can’t believe we’re going to a palace.”

She pulled her phone from her purse and snapped a selfie. “Nate, let’s get one together.”

She leaned closer to him and grinned. “Say, Prince!”

He smiled as she snapped the picture, then tapped on her phone, posting it to her social media feeds and sending it to her friends. “All my friends are so jealous that I’m going to a palace.”

Nate shifted in his seat again, reality pressing down on his shoulders with each passing moment.

As the town’s buildings whisked past him, he tried to focus on the vast difference between thiscountry and his own. He peered through the tinted windows, his eyes landing on the giant palace rising on the hill in the distance.

“Wow,” Maddie exclaimed as she snapped a picture of it through the window. “It’s beautiful.”

His gaze traced the white stone walls up to the gray-blue rooftops shimmering under the bright sun. Turrets and towers stretched skyward, poking into the crisp blue of the sky.

He studied the white stones topped with a gray-blue roof. Turrets and towers poked into the bright blue sky.

It made his home, large and sprawling, look tiny. The now-familiar butterflies flitted around in his stomach again. What would life be like there?

He’d find out in a few minutes. The car pitched at a sharp angle as they made the climb toward the castle, winding around on the road that doubled-back several times.

By the time it slowed to a stop, his heart was in his throat. A palace guard opened the door before standing at attention. They climbed into the bright sunshine, craning their necks to stare up at the palace.

A familiar face smiled at him as he finally lowered his gaze to the ornate wooden doors. Caroline nodded as she stepped forward. “Welcome, Kingsleys. Mr. Kingsley, lovely to see you again. For those of you who do not know me, I am Caroline Bennett, Princess Elena’s ladies’ maid.”

Everyone said their hellos as she grinned at them. “Her Highness asked that I intercept you to ensure that you are all comfortable with the protocols for being greeted by Queen Sophia. Everyone recalls to bow or curtsy, no handshakes.”

Nods met her response.

“Excellent. You will be joining Queen Sophia for tea immediately following your reception. Princess Elena and her cousin, Prince Alexander will join as soon as they are back from their ride. When she enters the room, she willlikely dispense with any formalities, there will be no need to rise and bow or curtsy.”

Nate’s head swam with the details, despite knowing them. Bow, don’t bow, no handshakes. The sheer number of royalty that would descend on them within the next few minutes was overwhelming.

“However, when the king arrives, you should rise and bow or curtsy as he will give no dispensation. Princess Isabelle will also attend the tea, and she will also require a curtsy or bow. And she will expect one, believe me.

“And Mr. Kingsley…”

He snapped his gaze to the woman, swallowing hard.

“Please remember no displays of affection whilst in public. Her Highness has carved time out of her schedule to spend with you between tea and dinner. During that private time, you may do as you wish, but formalities dictates that you do not show her affection during the tea.”