“Emotion,” he repeated, sliding his eyes sideways as the horses walked under the canopy of trees making up the forest on the royal property’s back edge. “Are you in love?”
“Yes,” she answered before she snapped her gaze to him. “Do not laugh.”
“I am not,” he answered. “I think it is wonderful, Elena.”
“Do you? So, you will not tell me to consider my choice carefully?”
He sucked in a breath. “You likely should, though I will say I envy you.”
“Envy me?” she questioned, her brow furrowing as she pushed a pine branch aside.
As they rode through the dappled sunlight, Alexander confessed his own troubles to her. “You are making your own way. I am being asked to accept the attention of Lady Margaret.”
“No,” Elena said, her eyes wide as she shifted in the saddle.
“Oh, yes. She is quite poised, dear. She would make a lovely wife, dear. She’s very quiet. You would have no trouble with her.”
“No trouble with her? Heavens. If that doesn’t convince you to race down the aisle, what will?”
They continued through the forest, their horses slowly wandering the familiar path. “So, despite your woes regarding being told to keep an open mind, at least your parents are allowing you a choice.”
She sucked in a breath. “I am sorry, Alexander. I do hope you will find someone. But we are not wed yet. And I fear you are incorrect.”
“What do you mean?” he asked as he tugged his horse in a new direction.
“I fear my parents are only allowing me the illusion of a choice. I believe they are hoping Nathan fails in his bid to withstand royal life.”
Alexander let his head fall back before he nodded. “I see. Trying to show you the error of your ways but seem like they are giving in to you.”
She twisted in her saddle, her eyes pleading. “Alexander, please will you help him? Take him under your wing and guide him?”
“Of course, cousin. I am happy to help. I will do whatever is needed. Whisper in his ear, kick him under the table, give him obscure hand signals that no one could understand.”
She giggled as they emerged from within the trees, the bright sun shining down on them as the rode into the lush valley. “Thank you, Alexander. I knew I could count on you.”
“Of course, you can. We must stick together.”
“That sounds ominous,” she answered.
“Unfortunately, I believe there may be some trouble ahead. You may suspect your parents of hoping your interest wanes in Mr. Kingsley, but I wouldn’t put it past Julian to deliberately set out to ruin his chances.”
Her stomach twisted into a knot as he said the words she didn’t want to face. Julian’s mischief was no stranger to Elena. He’d tormented her while she’d dated Nate in the States. And she had no illusions that he may try to do it again.
Would Nate’s visit turn into an all-out royal war? And would they survive it or was she destined to sacrifice love for duty?
Nate’s stomach twisted into a tight knot as the corporate jet bobbed and weaved its way through the clouds toward the ground below. Eldoria. A country he hadn’t heard of before a few weeks ago.
Now, he was about to step foot inside it and head to the royal palace, a place where he may live one day.
He’d spent the past few weeks trying to read up on the history of the country and its customs. He wanted to impress Elena’s parents with how much work he’d put in. He hoped it meant something. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Elena’s father would continue to dislike him.