His heart pounded against his ribs again and his knees wobbled. Suddenly, he seemed far less certain.
“Mr. Kingsley,” King Frederick said as he stepped from the room, “may I have a word with you?”
Nate swallowed hard, his chest tightening. “Y-yes, of course.”
“Please, step inside.”
“Good luck,” Caroline whispered as he stepped forward.
With a curt nod, he continued past her and into the office. He expected to find Elena and her mother, but neither was there.
King Frederick closed the doors behind him before he circled around Nate. “I am somewhat surprised to see you back, Mr. Kingsley.”
“I’m very sorry for interrupting your evening, but–“
King Frederick held up a hand, stopping his words. “May we be frank with each other, Mr. Kingsley?”
Nate’s parched throat nearly choked him as hesaid the word, “Yes.”
“Good. You may be sorry for interrupting our evening, but I am somewhat glad that you did. I am hoping the reason you did this is because you wish to work things out with Elena?”
Nate shifted his weight, his sweaty palms slipping on the carousel he held in his hands. “I hoped to, yes. I know I haven’t made a very good impression, but I…well, if we are being frank, Your Majesty, I have been a complete fool.”
King Frederick offered him a smile that seemed warmer than he’d expect from the man. “We all tend to have our moments, Mr. Kingsley. I will not speak for my daughter, but I do hope you are able to work things out.”
Nate tried to keep his features neutral, but his eyebrows pinched slightly.
“Yes, Mr. Kingsley, I am giving my approval. I came to the conclusion earlier today but before I could speak with you…well, let us put what happened earlier behind us, shall we?”
“I certainly hope we can,” Nate answered, his pulse racing. He’d earned the king’s approval. Now, he just needed to earn Elena’s back.
“Well, hopefully Elena will see what I have come to recognize. And with that said, you will find her in the private sitting room beyond those doors. Good luck, Mr. Kingsley.” The king waved to another set of double doors hidden behind thick, velvet curtains.
Nate offered him a fleeting smile. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
He crossed to the doors, his hand lingering on the cold brass knob as his heart rose into his throat again. He eased it open and slipped into the well-appointed sitting area.
Elena stared out the window across the room. She twisted to face him as he entered, her features registering a mix of emotions.
“Ellie…” He tried to stop his voice from shaking, licking his lips as he sought words.
“Nathan, I–“
“No, please,” he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. “Please, let me talk.”
“All right,” she said, her voice soft.
He glanced down at the carousel and lone horse in his hands, reminded of all their special moments together, and of what had driven him to return from the airport.
“Ellie, I’m…sorry. I know that doesn’t mean much, just saying the words, but I…was a complete idiot to have pushed you about what would happen if your father didn’t accept our relationship.”
Elena sucked in a deep breath as he spoke, her arms crossed tightly.
“And I was an even bigger fool to have accused you of just wanting me because you didn’t want to marry Prince Eric.”
“Yes, you were,” she answered.
“I can’t take back what I said, but I can say I’m sorry. And I can tell you that I love you. And that…if there’s any chance you’ll take me back, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”