“We are about to become husband and wife, Elena. It is my duty to–“

“Oh, shut up,” Queen Sophia said. “You have made no announcement as of yet, so you are not duty-bound to do anything. Besides, Elena has her own mind.”

Prince Eric sucked in a breath, his nostrils flaring. “We have already agreed privately. Elena, are you telling me you will not keep your word?”

“Elena, is this true?” Her father clasped his hands behind his back as he set his gaze on her.

Nate’s stomach twisted again. If she admitted it was, would she be held to it? Was he already too late?

“May we have a private word, Father?”

“Yes,” he answered, waving toward his wife. “Sophia, if you would join us.”

“Wait, just a moment,” King Henry said. “I would like to hear Elena’s answer to your question.”

“And you shall, after our private discussion,” King Frederick answered. “If you will excuse us.”

“No, we will not,” King Henry answered. “My son has made an offer. An offer it seems that hasbeen accepted. I demand an answer from your daughter at once. If she refuses…”

King Frederick arched a graying eyebrow.

“The offer will be withdrawn, and we shall leave Eldoria at once.” The King bobbed his head emphatically, his face red.

Elena’s eyes widened as she glanced at her father, awaiting his response. Nate shifted his gaze from king to king, wondering if he’d just created an international incident.

King Frederick sucked in a deep breath, his chin lifting a little. “You must do what you feel is right, Henry. Please let one of the staff know if you need a car. Come along, Elena.”

Elena skirted past Prince Eric and scurried after her father and mother.

“Mr. Kingsley, despite the urgency of your request, I trust you can wait to speak with my daughter.”

Nate bobbed his head at the man, swallowing hard.


Caroline approached him as the royal family disappeared behind another set of closed doors. “You made it.”

“Did I?” He peered in at the Corinthian royals. “They don’t seem happy.”

“Their loss,” Caroline answered as she pulled the doors closed, shutting out his view. “Please tell me you plan to rekindle your relationship.”

“If she’ll have me,” Nate answered with a sigh and a weak smile.

Caroline offered him a furtive grin as she raised a finger in the air. She bustled down the hall, disappearing into another room for a moment before she reappeared. “Give her this. Remind her of all the reasons she fell in love with you.”

Nate glanced down at the object in her hands, his heart lifting as he spotted the carousel he’d given her after their first date. Paired with the new horse, it would be the perfect reminder of their relationship from start until now.

“She wanted it removed from her sight, likely because she was so broken-hearted.”

He took it, pressing it against his chest as doubts gnawed at him. “I hope she’ll take me back.”

“She will,” Caroline said with a grin.

“I don’t know what to say to her. I’ve been so stupid.”

“Just…let the words flow. Tell her everything. You can do it, Mr. Kingsley. She loves you, I know it.”

Nate offered her a tentative smile and a slight nod as the doors opened to the king’s private office.