Nate’s heart hammered against his ribs as the car navigated closer to the palace. He stared at his cell phone, waiting for an answer to the frantic text he’d sent.
It chimed, and he nearly dropped it as he swiped with shaky hands to read the message from Caroline.Anything you need.
He typed back as quickly as he could.I made a big mistake. I need to talk to Ellie. Any way you can arrange that?
His phone rang a moment later, and he answered Caroline’s call. “Caroline, please tell me you can help me.”
“I can get you to her, yes, but please, please tell me you are on your way back already. She plans to announce her engagement tonight, and they have just left the dining room.”
His heart rose into his throat. “We’re nearly there.”
“I will meet you at the front door.”
“Thanks.” He ended the call, his stomach twisting into a knot as he waited to arrive. “Can he drive a little faster?”
His father passed the request along. The man offered him a nod, the engine revving as he squeezed out more speed from it.
Victoria’s voice cut through the tension in the car. “Is Caroline going to help?”
He nodded. “Meeting me at the door, but…she’s supposed to announce her engagement in like…minutes. I just hope we get there in time.”
He drummed his fingers on his thigh as they passed through the gates. He tried to plan what he’d say to her, but his mind couldn’t think past stopping her from announcing her engagement. As long as he did that, he hoped the rest would just flow naturally.
The car began to slow as the doors came into sight. Before it stopped, he bounded from the vehicle and raced toward Caroline, who waited inside the open door.
“They are in the sitting room. Hurry, Mr. Kingsley. Prince Eric will not dally in making the announcement.”
Nate’s heart raced as he sprinted down the hall. He had to reach her in time, he thought, his fingers trembling as he flung the doors open, breathless.
Elena stood at the piano with Prince Eric clasping her hand in his.
All eyes turned to him as he burst into the room. “Ellie, stop, you can’t do this.”
King Frederick rose from his seat, his forehead crinkled as King Henry leapt up, his features pinched.
“What is the meaning of this?” he questioned.
Nate kept his gaze focused on Elena, his eyes pleading. “Please, Ellie. Can we speak for a moment?”
She opened her mouth to answer when Eric stepped forward, placing himself between them. “No,” he answered.
She snapped her gaze toward him, her eyebrows squashing.
“Excuse me?” Queen Sophia said. “I believe he was speaking to my daughter.”
“Yes, your daughter. Who is about to become my fiancée.”
King Frederick shot Elena a questioning glance.
“Yes, that is correct, Your Majesty. Elena has accepted my offer of marriage. We were just about to announce it when this…man burst in. How did you get in here, anyway, Kingsley? I thought you had left.”
“I had,” Nate answered. “But…I…please, Ellie, can we talk?”
“I have already said no,” Prince Eric shot back.
Elena’s jaw dropped open, and she fluttered her eyelashes. “You do not speak for me.”