“No, Caroline. I will not put my heart through that again. I cannot.” Her features pinched and fresh tears stung her eyes. “Icannot stand it.”
Caroline pulled her into an embrace. “Oh, dear. I realize this is difficult, but let’s just have one more go at it, shall we? I’ll call the airport–“
Elena pulled back, wiping at her tears. “I said no, and I meant it. My heart will heal.”
A new voice entered the conversation as she sniffled and hurried to dry her face. “Elena? Is something wrong?” King Frederick asked.
She shook her head, plastering on a weak smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “No, Father. I am perfectly fine.”
“Mr. Kingsley has just left, Your Majesty,” Caroline explained.
King Frederick bobbed his head. “I see. And the goodbye was taxing, I imagine?”
“No, it was not. There was no goodbye. He merely left. For the best.” She lifted her chin, desperately trying to conceal her emotions from her father.
“I disagree. I think we should have at least seen them off.”
“I realize it may be viewed as rude, but Nathan preferred it this way. He did not wish to speak to me, and I honored that.”
King Frederick raised his eyebrows. “I see. It is a terrible shame that things ended on such a sour note.”
“Is it? Perhaps you were correct in being so…cautious before issuing your approval. Perhaps things were always meant to end on a sour note.”
King Frederick’s gaze lingered on Elena, his features etched with concern. He offered her a fleeting smile before he heaved a sigh. “I don’t believe so. He seemed a nice young man.”
“But you had reservations.”
“Elena, you are my only daughter. I will always have reservations over any man you marry.”
“You did not have them with Eric,” she shot back.
“Your engagement hadn’t been announced yet. Give me time, I probably would have found some.”
Her eyebrows pinched as her stomach twisted. Would the news of their engagement following the meal tonight be unwelcome? She assumed her parents would be thrilled. Had she misjudged?
She shook her head. “No, Father, you were right. Nathan Kingsley is not cut out for royal life.”
“I am not as certain as you are,” the king answered. “I…feel I was too hasty in saying that.”
Elena’s lips parted as he said the words. She drew her chin back to her chest, her head cocking in question. “What do you mean?”
“I think he is a man of genuine character and that alone makes him an excellent choice as a partner.”
Elena’s features crinkled, and Caroline slid a hand onto her shoulder. “So, you would have approved of our relationship?”
“Yes,” he answered. “I wonder if I had told you this sooner if it would have made a difference.”
Elena wiped away a tear that had fallen to her cheek. Their first argument had stemmed from the lack of approval from her father.
But their second point of contention had not. He felt she’d used him.
“No, I doubt it would have, but I do appreciate you telling me, Father.”
“Are you certain? Perhaps another conversation with Mr. Kingsley is warranted, armed with the new information.”
“It is not,” Elena answered. “He…made his thoughts clear, and while some of his reservations about our relationship stemmed from the lack of obvious approval, not all of them did. It is those last few that I have used as the basis of myconjecture.”
“I see,” King Frederick said. “Well, I suppose that should bring me some measure of relief, but it does not.”