Her mother smiled, patting Elena’s cheek. Before they could speak further, the doors burst open. The tension in Elena melted as she studied the figure filling the doorway. Tall, dark, broad-shouldered and stately, he was everything a royal should be.

A smile spread across her features before she broke away from her mother and hurried to the man. She flung her arms around him as he lifted her from the floor in a bear hug. “Alexander!”

He set her on the floor, pulling back and grinning at her. “Elena. Lovely to see you, little cousin.”

“It’s lovely to see you, too. Your lateness put me in quite an awkward position earlier.”

“Oh?” he asked.

“Hello, Alexander,” Sophia said as she crossed to him.

“Aunt Sophia,” he answered with a bow.

She kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry to rush off, but I have another appointment. Will we see you at the tea this afternoon?”

“Yes, of course. I am looking so forward to meeting the Kingsleys.”

“Wonderful.” She squeezed his arm before he stood aside to allow her to leave them behind.

He turned back toward Elena who grinned at him again. “Now, what is this about an awkward position?”

Elena rolled her eyes as she strode across the room to the grand piano, tapping a key. “I raced from upstairs when I was told my cousins had arrived only to find Julian and Isabelle.”

“Oh, my. I am sorry,” he said with a grin. “How awful. My siblings leave something to be desired.”

She plopped onto the piano bench. “They do.”

“My goodness. What in the world has life in the States done to you? I’ve never known Elena Montclair to be this glum.”

“Oh, please, not you, too,” she said with a pout.

He clasped his hands behind his back, arching a dark eyebrow as he paced across the floor. “Me too?”

“Everyone keeps telling me of the woes of my Stateside visit. But the truth is my woes only began after I returned home.”

“Hmm. Tell me about it over a ride?”

“Only if you promise me a race,” she said with a grin.

“Challenge accepted. Shall we meet at the stables after changing?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

They parted ways and she hurried to her room to change into her riding gear and have Caroline pull her hair into a braid. When she arrived at the stables, her cousin awaited her with two saddled horses.

She climbed aboard hers, and they set off at a gentle cantor. When they reached the top of the hill, she set her horse into a full gallop, and they raced along together, laughing as they fought to reach the steeple in the distance. Elena arrived first, tugging her horse to a stop and spinning it to face him.

“Well done, Elena. You have beaten me again.”

“You let me win,” she challenged.

“I did no such thing.” He set his horse at a meandering pace. “Now, please tell me all about these woes you face in Eldoria.”

Her horse fell in line next to his. “Everyone knows what’s best for me. Except me.”

“Ah, yes. The pressures of being a princess. Your royal match is being closely monitored.”

“I wish it was not. I’m being told to keepan open mind at every turn. As though there should be no emotion involved whatsoever.”