Only now, she nursed a broken heart.

But she did what she was used to doing as a royal. She suppressed her feelings, making a choice for the good of the order.

Instead of following her heart, which had led to disaster,she’d take the stable path. The one that had been prescribed to her long before she’d even thought of escaping it.

Prince Eric was a sensible choice. A stable choice.

He would understand her way of life, the demands on her, and the choices she would face. Her father had been correct. She had been short-sighted, demanding she be allowed to explore other options. But those options were doomed to fail, spectacularly.

As Elena wrestled with her thoughts, a gentle knock on the door interrupted her turmoil, drawing her attention away from the tumult within.

She crossed to her door, her stomach twisting into a knot. What if it was Nate? Would he come to speak to her? What would she say?

Would she cave in to weakness, or would she stand firm in her decision?

With her pulse racing, she pulled the thick oak door back, her breath catching in her throat. She forced a smile onto her face as she spotted her mother on the other side.

The woman gave her a slight smile. “How are you, dear?”

Elena’s lower lip trembled as tears filled her eyes. She wanted to throw herself into her mother’s arms and cry like she had as a child. But she resisted the urge, lifting her chin as she blinked back the tears that stung. “Fine.”

Her mother cocked her head, a consoling but questioning glance crossing her features. “May I come in?”

“Actually, I was about to leave. I have several things to attend to, and several goodbyes to say. It would be very rude of me to–“

Queen Sophia stepped into the room, driving her daughter back a step before she swung the door closed. “I cannot help but wonder if you are being hasty. And if your father and I are to blame.”

Elena stared at the woman, shocked to hear the words coming from her mouth. “What?”

Queen Sophia stared down at her clasped hands as she prepared her statement. She flicked her gaze up to Elena’s before she began. “You have had an argument with Mr. Kingsley. And you have ended your relationship, but are you certain this is what you want?”

“I haven’t another choice, Mother. Nathan thinks it best that he leave.”

“Do you disagree?”

Elena pressed her lips together as she stalked away from her mother, unwilling to face her as she spoke. “Not entirely, no.”

“Even after some thought?”

She twisted to face the queen. “I told you earlier that you and Father were correct. You tried to warn me of what would happen, and it has. Your wisdom has proven invaluable, and I discounted it. Now, I must pay the price for not heeding the warning.”

“Pay the price for not heeding the warning?” Queen Sophia furrowed her brows as she stared at Elena. “Heavens, Elena, this is not a fable or some cautionary tale for you.”

“Yet, it has become exactly that.”

Queen Sophia stepped closer, caressing Elena’s cheek. “Oh, darling, do not let this ruin you. You are so bright, so fiery. Yet now you seem so defeated.”

Elena heaved a sigh, crossing her arms. “I am, in a way. But in another, I am not. I have plans to move forward. And I will do just that after I’ve said my goodbyes. Mrs. Kingsley was very kind to me, and I wish her to know how much I appreciated it. I also will miss Maddie very much.”

Queen Sophia rubbed Elena’s arms. “Darling, I realize you have been through a tough evening and morning. Arguments between a couple are nevereasy. But time and perspective can change things. Perhaps you ought to speak with Mr. Kingsley again before you give up.”

Elena's nostrils flared as she sucked in a deep breath, flicking her gaze out the window. “I have already made my decision, Mother.”

“Really? And you cannot change your mind? We all make snap decisions in the heat of the moment. But we are all permitted to rethink them and change our minds.”

Elena shifted her weight, wondering what her mother would say when she learned she’d already agreed to marry Prince Eric.

Queen Sophia led her to the bed, easing them both onto the edge. “You know, you are so much like your father.”