“And we had a nice time, but when life came at us, we fell apart.”

Victoria patted his hand. “I don’t think you fell apart. I think you had an argument. Maybe a bad one. Maybe the worst one you’ll ever have, but if you love each other, you work through it.”

Nate didn’t answer, letting his gaze lower to his feet.

“I know it feels raw right now, but honey, please don’t do something you may regret. If you walk away from this right now, you may never get another chance.”

Nate shifted in his seat. “That may be for the best. Like I said, if you, Dad, and Maddie want to stay, I’m sure they won’t kick you out–”

Victoria huffed out a breath as she shook her head. “If you’re going, we’re going. Maddie will be disappointed, but she’ll live. But I think you should think about this. Nate, life isn’t going to be easy no matter who you marry. Your father and I have had some major arguments over the years, especially when you boys were growing up. Life is messy.”

“And if we can’t make it past our first argument, Mom, then we’re not meant to be. It’s as simple as that.”

“Are you saying that for my benefit or yours?”

He leapt from his seat, shaking his head. “I don’t know what you want me to say. This life isn’t for me. I mean, we can’t even decide we’re right for each other without having it go through the country’s legislature.”

“It’s not that bad,” Victoria said, shooting him an incredulous glance.

“Close enough,” Nate answered. “I just don’t like that. I don’t like the control over our lives. Okay? I tried it. I gave it a go. It doesn’t work for me.”

Victoria rose, holding her hands in the air. “Okay. If that’s what you think, that’s fine. It’s your call. But please, Nate, before we walk out that door, please be sure. What you seemed to have with Ellie is not something you’re going to find every day. If you’re certain you can walk away from it, then by all means, get on that plane and leave Eldoria behind. But if not…”

“What? Go find out I don’t have the choice anyway because her father doesn’t approve?”

His mother heaved a sigh before she squeezed his arm. “Just think about it. She brings out the best in you, Nate.”

She kissed his cheek before she strode from the room, pulling the door closed behind her.

He collapsed into the chair, his head pounding from the left-over effects of the drug and the emotional toll. He chewed his lower lip, his hands clasping and unclasping as he sorted through his feelings.

Was he being hasty?

He swallowed hard, trying to determine which decision was the mistake. Was it leaving or staying?

His hazy mind couldn’t think anymore. He forced himself to stand. He’d made a call, and he wasn’t going to second guess himself.

Another knock sounded at the door, and his shoulders slumped. He didn’t want totalk to anyone.

He crossed to it and pulled it open, finding his dad. He held back a sigh as he motioned for the man to enter.

“I assume Mom told you,” Nate said with a huff.

“She did. I’m not here to tell you what to do.”

“Good,” Nate said as he let his door swing shut. “Because I made up my mind.”

Charles bobbed his head. “Okay.”

Nate stalked to his suitcase and started to fold a shirt, his gaze lingering on his father. “So, what are you doing here?”

“Well, I’m not going to tell you what to do. I’m not going to try to change your mind. But I am going to give you a piece of advice.”

Nate stopped his folding, tossing the shirt down and setting his hands on his hips. “Because you know more about my relationship than me, huh?”

Charles wagged his head with a frown. “Nope. I don’t. But what I do know is you. And you tend to make these hotheaded decisions–”

“Hotheaded? Dad, we literally don’t even have a relationship right now because we don’t know if we’re allowed. And Ellie just has nothing to say about that.”