Nate heaved a sigh, his eyes squeezing closed. “It’s over, Mom.”

His voice cracked with emotion as he said the words aloud.

“King Frederick said no?” Victoria’s jaw dropped open as she waited for an answer. “Does he know we think you were set up?”

“I was set up,” Nate answered. “Ellie said my blood test proved it.”

Victoria pressed a hand against her chest as she blew out a breath. “Oh, thank goodness. Well, that’s great news, honey.”

She tilted her head as she studied his features, which he was certain remained etched with pain. “But there’s something else, isn’t there? Why don’t we sit down?”

He nodded as she slid her arm around him and led him to the chairs. They settled into them, and Nate stared into the cold hearth, the dark stones mirroring the darkness in his heart.

“What happened, Nate?”

“Ellie came by to tell me she’d told her father that I’d been drugged. She said her father hadn’t made a decision on our relationship yet.”

“Okay, I don’t see why you’re packing if he hasn’t made a call.”

“I asked her what would happen if he said no. Because, honestly, that felt like where we were headed.”


“And she couldn’t answer that.” He snorted a laugh as the conversation replayed in his head. “Or wouldn’t.”

“There may be no need to answer it.”

He finally flicked his gaze to his mother. “But that’s the point. She won’t answer, but it’s a very real possibility. And what’s going to happen if he says no? Is our relationship over just like that? And she couldn’t answer.”

Victoria offered him a consoling glance.

“And so, then…” He sucked in a deep, shaky breath. “I…said she was just using me to get out of marrying Prince Eric.”

Victoria clicked her tongue.

“Well, Mom, honestly, she’s been pretty cavalier about this whole thing. She won’t talk about what it means if her father says no.”

“I’m not surprised,” Victoria said. “Honey, do you think maybe this is your upset from Chloe talking?”

Nate’s jaw tightened, his nostrils flaring as he gripped the chair arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I mean…you were used by Chloe, and now you see that everywhere.”

“I don’t. I didn’t see it before until we came here.”

“I don’t think Ellie was using you, Nate. She seems to genuinely care about you.”

Nate shrugged, flicking his gaze back to the fireplace. “Well, it doesn’t matter. We decided to end things. I told her it may be best if I left, and she agreed. That’s how we left it. So, I’m leaving.”

Victoria leaned forward, taking his hand in hers. “Honey, you had a fight. Your first, and that’s alwaystough. Emotions are running high. It’s been tense, and stressful. But I think you’re overreacting here.”

“Am I? I don’t think so, Mom. I don’t belong here. Her father is right.”

“Honey…I understand there are so many rules and protocols coming at you right now that it’s tough, but–”

“No, it’s not…it’s not the forms of address, and the pomp, and the protocols. It’s…us. We’re not right. We’re not compatible. At least not in this environment. When we first met, things were simple and easy.”

“Well, of course. You had no responsibilities. You had no expectations.”