“Do you believe the Kingsleys will retaliate?” He clasped his hands behind his back. “Not that I cannot handle the situation, I assure you I can. I only hope to be prepared.”

“No. The Kingsleys will not be here.”

“I understand. Well, I am sorry about that, my dear, but I believe this has worked out for the best.”

Elena offered a final nod before he kissed her cheek and left the room. She sucked in a deep breath, swallowing the bile creeping into her throat. She’d just promised her life to the man she’d been running from for decades. But she couldn’t face the heartache again. She wanted the pain to end. And this way it would—because her life would end.



Nate threw another shirt into the suitcase, allowing some of his frustrations to seep out with his actions. The fight he’d had with Elena had rattled him to his core.

He’d said things he probably shouldn’t have but he couldn’t stop them from slipping out.

Maybe it was for the best. They clearly didn’t belong together. And she’d walked away pretty easily, too.

Was his statement about her correct? Had this all been about avoiding a marriage to Prince Eric?

He sank onto the edge of the bed, his chest heavy with the weight of his emotions. Clutching a tie in his hands, he couldn’t shake the feelings of despair that consumed him.

He ran his fingers along the silk, recalling when he’d selected it to pack. He’d been filled with nervous energy then, and determined to fit in.

He’d also been excited to see Elena again.

But when he’d arrived, it had been one issue after another. He imagined their royal life would be like this, too.

They’d had fun when they hadn’t had any pressure on them. They’d fallen in love, but as soon as the walls of reality closed in around them, their relationship fell apart.

And there was likely no salvaging it.

They’d both made their final feelings clear. With a disgusted grimace, he tossed the tie into his suitcase and rose to collect more of his things from the drawer he’d stowed them in.

A knock interrupted him, and he dumped the clothes on the bed and crossed to open it. His heart pounded against his ribs as he wondered if he’d find Elena on the other side. What would he say to her?

He tugged the door open, finding his mother. “Hey, honey, how are you–“

Her words stopped as her eyes fixed on the suitcase on his bed. “Going somewhere?”

“Home,” he answered.

Her eyebrows shot up, and her eyes went wide at the words. “Home? We’re not scheduled to leave for another week.”

“I’m leaving now. You, Dad, and Maddie are probably welcome to stay, but you may want to check on that.” He shuffled back to the pile of clothes he’d left behind and tossed a few more things into his luggage.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” his mother said, catching another tie as it went into the bag. “What’s going on? Did something happen?”

“Oh, yeah, something happened.” Nate scoffed and shook his head.

Victoria’s eyebrows shot up. “Do you want to clue me in, or am Isupposed to guess?”

“What do you think?” Nate snapped, tossing down a shirt in frustration.

“Whoa!” Victoria said, her eyes going wide. “Tone down the attitude. I didn’t do anything to you.”

He licked his lips, frustrated with everything from the situation to the lecture his mother just gave him. “I’m not a kid. But…I’m also sorry. I know it’s not your fault.”

“It’s not. Now, what happened?”