“Are you certain? Even to teach me a lesson?”

“You will learn those lessons on your own, darling. And you must. But do not think for a moment that your father is merely doing this to set you up for failure. He wishes you to succeed in all things.”

Elena sucked in a breath as she laced her fingers through her mother’s, the simple act providing her some measure of comfort. “Nathan is so nervous.”

Sophia stroked a lock of Elena’s hair, nodding in understanding. “Oh, darling, and that’s making you nervous?”

“Yes. We are used to this, but there are dozens of tiny rules and points of etiquette that they will not be aware of.”

“Yes, there are. It is important that they understand and respect them. If he is to become your consort–”

“Yes, I know,” Elena answered, a pout forming on her lips as she pulled away from her mother and stalked to the window. “He must be prepared for the duties that go along with it. I know, Mother.”

“Elena, I believe you may be shortsighted."

Elena whipped around to meet her mother's gaze. Was her mother also trying to dissuade her from marrying Nate?

“Do not give me those fiery eyes, Elena.I do not wish to say you are making a foolish decision nor that I disapprove. I have made no decisions on the matter having not met Mr. Kingsley. I trust your judgement, but…”

“But?” Elena prompted.

“Elena, your interest in protecting Mr. Kingsley and ensuring his ability to navigate royal life is…admirable. But who will assist you?”

“I need no assistance. I am quite good at navigating royal life. I have spent a lifetime preparing for it.”

Sophia offered her daughter a soft smile before she crossed to her and took her hands. “Yes, you have. But the crown weighs heavy, not just on the head that wears it but also on the heart. You will encounter difficult situations. Situations that require support. You should have a strong spouse who can offer you the assistance and loyalty you will require throughout your life.”

Elena heaved a sigh, unable to argue despite her desire to lash out.

“I know you do not wish to hear this. But when your father says to keep an open mind, he means to be aware that you will require support, too. Make the choice that gives you that.”

“How in the world can that choice be Prince Eric?” Elena said with a scoff.

“He is quite used to royal protocols. It will hardly be an issue for him. He is well-versed in diplomacy, in matters of state.”

“And we know nothing of each other. The support is overwhelming.”

Sophia offered her daughter a tight-lipped smile. “You may have more in common than you imagine. And marriages that begin like this often grow into very strong partnerships.”

She tugged one corner of her lips back as she eyed hermother. “And what of love? Is that not in the cards for a princess?”

“Love is not simply romance, darling. The true test of love is not butterflies in your stomach or the way your heart flutters when you find his eyes on you. The true test of love is that when you are at your worst, they are there with you to bring you back to your best.”

The words struck her as she found herself unable to imagine her mother at her worst. “Do you and Father bring each other back to your best?”

“We do,” her mother answered. “Though at times we are both at our worst. It is a fact of marriage, darling. You will hit rough patches. Even with your Mr. Kingsley. No matter how strong your love feels, there will be disagreements, arguments, differences of opinion.”

Elena squeezed her mother’s hands. “So far, we haven’t argued.”

“No, but you will. And I am not saying that to upset you. I am saying it to prepare you. Elena, darling, I know you believe love will be perfect always. But love is imperfect. People are imperfect. You will argue with Mr. Kingsley if he is your husband. You will argue with Prince Eric if he is your husband. You will argue with Mr. Smith from down the street if he is your husband.”

“You make marriage sound so lovely, Mother.”

Sophia laughed, a delicate sound that made her smile. “I am sorry, dear, but you must be prepared. Marriage is not easy. It can be very lovely. And it can also be very difficult. You are about to make a very big choice. I know you believe your mind is made up, but please take this time to observe Mr. Kingsley’s behavior while here to ensure he is the best match for you.”

Elena swallowed hard, her stomach twisting into a knot. Why did everyone seem to think Nate wasnot the right choice? At every turn, she faced opposition. No one assumed she could make the best choice for herself.

Despite herself, she nodded. “I will.”