She grabs at my clothes, pulling them off me and I drag hers off too. Soon we are laying naked, wrapped up in each other.

I roll onto her, pinning her to the bed, spreading her legs wide and wrapping them around my waist.

I stare into her eyes as I push my cock inside her and watch as she gasps with pleasure.

She digs her fingers into my biceps, tilting her head back and taking a sharp breath in.

I move, slowly at first, thrusting back and forth and trying to hold back. But I’ve been waiting so long. I didn’t even realize how much I needed to be with her.

I am in love with her and I haven’t even been able to touch her.

She moves against me, rocking her body, lifting her hips up towards me each time I thrust into her.

We are perfect together. Our bodies remember it.

Bella is moaning and soon her legs shake.

She grips me tighter and I whisper against her ear, “your body knows me, Bella.”

She shivers with delight and then arches upwards as an orgasm washes over her. I push deeper into her, exploding inside her, holding her close and hoping that this moment, this connection will jolt her back towards me.

When it’s over we lie in bed, my arms wrapped around her and her back curved against my chest. It’s peaceful and beautiful - until her body shakes with tears.

“Bella?” I whisper. “What’s wrong?”

She turns around, facing me, the tears drift across her cheeks and into the fabric of the pillow case, disappearing and leaving wet stains.

“I thought - I thought I would remember.”

I clench my jaw and sigh. “It’s ok.” I say.

“It was incredible. It felt - it was amazing to be with you. I’ve never felt like that before, Nico. I don’t remember ever feeling like that before.” She sighs.

My heart is breaking. What is she trying to say?

She sits up, pulling the blanket with her. I sit up too, she needs to tell me something and I have to be prepared to accept whatever it is.

“I’ve been fighting myself for a month now. I’m so exhausted, trying to force myself to remember because I feel like I’m lettingeveryone down. I feel like I’m letting you down - and especially Dante. He looks like me.” She wipes her tears away.

“What do you want to do, Bella?” I ask, nervously.

“I want to stop trying to remember. It’s too much. It’s taking away too much time and its making me miserable.”

I nod, filled with anxiety.

She smiles. “I want to start again. We - um - we fell in love once. Maybe we can fall in love again. So I want to start over. From the beginning. I know it will be weird for you, but if I don’t choose this, I am going to be forever focused on what Idon’tremember, and it will eat at me. Will you - will you start over with me?” She asks.

I laugh, flooded with relief and happiness. I grab her into my arms and hug her. “Yes, yes, I would love to do that. Definitely. We can start over.”

Chapter 25


Another month has gone by and it feels like it just shot past. The first month after I woke up was painful. My body was healing, and my mind was a mess. I was depressed and lost and scared.

The incident, waking up confused, whatever it is I went through - my body remembers some of the trauma because I still wake up from nightmares sometimes. My body coated in sweat and my muscles tense and stressed.

There are so many fragments and pieces of terrifying things that haunt my dreams - but in thewakingmoments of life I remember nothing of that. I am free of the horror and free of Marcus and the life we used to have.