But I’m also scared of him. I fear the parts of him I don’t know.

What if he turns into someone like Marcus?


That’s not possible.

No one is like Marcus. Especially not Nico. That is just my fear speaking in my mind. I can’t ever let fear control me. Never again.

My thoughts continue to swarm in different directions while I try to consider all outcomes. But everything keeps leading back to the simple truth that I love him.

My feet are aching from walking up and down my office, so I kick my high heels off and stand still for a moment, letting my feet rest upon the floor. I have a dull headache growing behind my eyes. It’s from my restless night last night and all the tension today.

Nico is a different dangerous to Marcus.

He wouldn’t kill me. I don’t even think he would hurt me, not physically, but he would take my son.

I walk over to the small sofa in the corner of my office and sit down with my head in my hands.

My entire world is falling apart, ripped out from beneath me since he came back into my life.

Everything is chaos now.

I know how the universe works though and chaos isn’t always a bad thing. Chaos breaks things apart - it shifts things and moves things that aren’t meant to be the way they are.

I can’t just ignore the fact that fate has played some kind of influence here. It’s no mistake Nico was the one who helped me escape. It’s not a mistake that I lost my virginity to him and ended up pregnant with his child. And of course, it’s no mistake that after a year of being so far from him - removed from his world - I ended up working at the gallery that he owns and finding him back in my life.

I love him.

Despite that darker side of him.

The dangerous undercurrent of who he is.

I love him.

And maybe it’s time I trusted the universe and let fate take its course the way it wants to.

I just need to let go, stop fighting this and be with him. No matter the parts of him that scare me or the parts of him I will never know about.

It’s irrelevant when it comes to love.

All I have to do is trust that he will always take care of us and love us the way we deserve.

I’m going to stop fighting this - the path the universe set me on - I am going to give my heart to him and have hope.

Chapter 18


After my conversation with Bella I had to get out of the office for a while. I needed to walk and get some air and clear my thoughts.

I’m not only dealing with everything that is going on between Bella and myself - but I am also trying to push my investigation with her ex forward. I haven’t been able to find out anything.

I still have no idea why the man is in New York City.

I had a message passed on to him - an offer for a business deal I thought he could not turn down. Perhaps I made it too obvious - too good to be true. Because he turned it down and with that I lost my chance to get close to him myself.

He’s here for a reason.