I see someone walking up the steps towards our front entrance.

Dammit, the delivery is here.

My heart sinks right into the pit of my stomach when I see my client did not come himself - he sent his assistant.

A gorgeous young woman with long dark hair, wearing a skirt so short it leaves nothing to the imagination.

Bella’s entire body goes rigid. She pulls her mouth tight and turns to glare at me with fire in her eyes.

“Enjoy your - privatedelivery, Nico.” She hisses under her breath, and storms out of the gallery.


“Bella.” I call out after her, walking briskly past my client's assistant. “I’ll be right with you.” I say quickly.

Outside on the street I grab Bella’s arm, forcing her to turn and look at me. “Bella, stop for a second.” I need to explain myself.

“Don’t bother saying anything. I can see what is going on. Have a lovely night.” She yanks her arm away from me and walks towards her car.

I watch her climb into the car and slam the door hard. I’m not sure what to do. Even if I stopped her from leaving - I can’t explain what is really going on without putting her in danger.

And I need to get back inside to deal with this delivery.

The entire thing could not have gone worse. Now Bella assumes I am using the gallery as a late night rendezvous for random women and I can’t even tell her the truth to ease her concerns.

“Fuck.” I shout, and turn back towards the gallery, hurrying inside so that I can get this shit sorted out and finished.

Then it strikes me.

Bella is jealous.

The way she spoke to me - she wants something more from me - she was considering a more serious relationship between us. My heart hammers for a moment.

I love the idea. But I know it can’t happen. She deserves more than the world I will drag her into if she gets involved with me.

But I have been giving her mixed signals because I can’t stay away from her.

Chapter 9


Slamming my car door I rev a little too loudly in my agitation and the tires skid against tar as I pull away.

My heart is aching. But it’s my fault.

I should never have even considered letting myself develop feelings for a man like Nico. Lina told me - more than once. I know what kind of man he is, and I was still stupid enough to fall for him.

And he proved himself to be who Lina told me he was.

A player.

Switching from woman to woman with ease.

She was beautiful. That makes me even more jealous. I wish I hadn’t seen her. But it’s better to know the truth.

I’d rather know - be hurt - and get it over with instead of dragging the lies out.

He was playing me the entire time with his hot and cold bullshit. Pulling me in and pushing me away all the time.