Flabbergasted, I frown, annoyed with the way he is treating me.
“You should get going home, Bella. Your baby daddy won’t want you working so late. Won’t he be upset? About this?” he gestures between us. There is accusation oozing from his words and the realization that he knows about my son fills me with sudden dread. Every muscle in my body tightens.
“There is no one waiting for me at home.” I respond. “The father was a one-night stand, a mistake I made when I arrived in New York.” The lie drifts from my lips - but it knots heavy guilt inside me. How can I tell him the truth, that the baby is his? How would he react? Anger? Hate? He already tried to fire me today, if he found out I was keeping such a massive secret things would only get worse between us.
Nico’s eyes are locked onto me, but I need to leave. I have to get out of this claustrophobic office before he asks me anything else.
Chapter 8
Bella hurries out of the office, slamming the door behind herself.
I am a complete asshole.
That was low to throw that childish comment at her about her baby-daddy.
It was a stupid, jealous comment. I should’ve kept my fucking mouth shut.
I dragged her back into my office tonight to distract her from the illegal deliveries arriving this evening. I didn’t realize she was still at work.
I don’t want to put her in a position where she is compromised by knowing the truth about those after-hours deliveries. They aren’t paintings. They aren’t for our usual clientele. And she should not be involved with it in any way whatsoever. I amdetermined to keep her safe from that side of things. It was the entire reason I tried to fire her. For her own safety.
But she threatened legal action and I don’t need anyone sniffing around this business. I don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to the gallery.
Tonight did not go as planned.
I thought I could pull her into my office and talk - but I lost control.
I lost control, and I loved every fucking minute of it.
Sighing I mutter under my breath. “Idiot.” This is going to make things ten times more awkward between us. It was already so fucking uncomfortable and now what - I shake my head, pushing the office door open so I can get out there and make sure she went home and that the deliveries are running smoothly.
Killian is the one who mentioned her baby boy. I was sick with jealously when I heard she had a son - I didn’t even know she was dating anyone - I guess that’s because she isn’t.
So, she had a one-night stand with some asshole in New York.
I am still green over it. Another man touched her.
But worse than that - she has a child, and she’s working in my gallery - a business involved in the underground mafia world.
Guilt sears through me like molten lava. She deserves better than this.
Over the next few days I keep my head down, doing my absolute best to avoid Bella, and focus on my work. But she is stubbornly aware of every little thing that goes on in this gallery.
She’s way too good at her job. The gallery as a business on its own is doing brilliantly. I didn’t expect it to - but Bella is running it like she was born for this position.
Her attentive nature though makes her very aware of insignificant details.
Details I need her to turn a blind eye to, but I can’t explain why.
She leans over my desk to place the report in front of me. Her blouse hangs open for a second and I can’t stop myself from looking.
The scent of her skin washes over me at the same time.
My cock stirs beneath the desk and I clear my throat.
“Thank you.” I say coldly.