This is going to be a problem.
Because I am setting up in New York, I will spend a lot of time at the gallery - and around Bella.
The magnetism of our connection is blatantly obvious. It isn’t fair of me to get involved with her though. She doesn’t need to be dragged back into my world after changing everything in her life to escape it.
How am I going to resist her?
I can’t even stop myself from staring at her.
Chapter 7
Nico has been at the gallery every day for the past two weeks. He is getting more involved in the operations and movement of art work and it’s a problem for me.
It’s stupid - but I’m really attracted to him. And the fact that he is the father of my baby is a huge issue.
Everything in my life has suddenly become ten times more complicated than it needs to be. Of all the people in the world - how does it happen that Nico Vitale is my new boss.
Every time we are in a room together I‘m intensely pulled towards him. It’s making things awkward between us. I’m sure he senses it too - or am I imagining it?
At the gallery opening we almost kissed. Since then he has been cold and distant. I don’t understand why - I haven’t done anything to offend him. That I’m aware of, at least.
“Isabella, I need to speak with you, please.” His voice booms across the gallery in the usual aggressive tone he addresses me with.
“My name is not Isabella.” I huff.
He pulls his mouth tight. “Right. Yes. Sorry. Please can we talk in the office, Bella.” It’s not a question - he walks away straight after saying it, so I walk quickly to follow him.
Dammit. I need to stop admiring how good he looks.
“What is this about?” I ask as I step inside his office. He is standing right by the door waiting for me - and once I am inside, he closes the door which makes me really uncomfortable.
“Sit down.” He says.
My heartbeat picks up pace and I feel a nervous tension running through me. Did someone tell him about my baby?
In the two weeks since he arrived I have been very careful not to talk about Dante at all. I don’t see any other reason for him to be acting so weird right now.
I pull out the chair at his desk and sit down. He paces up and down the office, making me even more nervous.
“Bella, I’m sorry, but I have to fire you.”
The shock of his words slams into me. I stand up so fast the chair spins away, knocking against the desk.
“What? Why? What did I do?”
“Nothing. It’s just - you can’t work here anymore.”
“You can’t fire me for no reason, Nico. I’ve been doing a fantastic job here. I work my ass off for this gallery. No one is going to be better than me for this job.” My shock has turned into anger. Aggressive and defensive anger.
I take a deep breath and unclench my fists. My nails are digging into the palm of my hand and it hurts.
I can’t lose this job. It took me forever to find this job. I need it. Not for me - but for my son.
Nico sighs heavily and runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t believe this is the right environment for you. You would be safer working somewhere else.” He says, his face turned away from me.
He can’t even look at me when he’s trying to fire me.