She’s seen so much of the world while running from her past. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why she ran and I don’t blame her for it. I think it was the best thing for her, but I want her to stop running now.

While we talked a lot about what we like, who we are, and what we’ve done, the one thing we haven’t talked about is the future. Okay, fine, I didn’t talk all that much, but I damn sure listened and shared a little bit about myself. It didn’t feel like Kirby held my lack of sharing and communication against me.

The more time I spent with Kirby, the harder I’ve fallen for her. It might not make sense to anyone else, but it feels right to me. And I’m not alone in that—Hendrix and Wolfe feel the same way. You only have to look at their faces when they’re in the same room with Kirby to know how true that is.

“Wolfe,” Hendrix greets our brother. I can’t hear what Wolfe said, but the tension ramps up in the car and puts me on edge. Since Wolfe is hanging out with Kirby, and following her if needed, I’m about to lose my shit the longer Hendrix stays silent. “I see,” his words are filled with barely restrained rage. “I’ll meet you there.”

I bark, “What?”

“Head to Club Sin.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I seethe. “I thought we had made headway with our woman. She knows she’s ours. We’ve made that clear,” the words spill from me as my heart starts to pound hard inside my chest.

“We’ll find out what’s going on,” Hendrix promises.

“He couldn’t stop her from going there?”

Hendrix barks out a laugh and shakes his head. He doesn’t have to say anything for me to know what he’s thinking. Does anyone stop Kirby from doing what she wants and feels she needs to do? I don’t think so, not anymore. She’s strong as hell, stubborn, and headstrong.

That doesn’t mean I won’t be punching him. He deserves it.

We’re quite, too quiet, as we head over to Club Sin. When we meet up with Wolfe, I clench my fists at my side. When Wolfe notices, he lets out a sigh and nods his head like he knows what will be coming his way eventually. Good.

He leads us upstairs and to the same room where Kirby took her sub that first night. The way I’m glaring at the door should cause it to burst into flames, but it doesn’t happen.

Hendrix growls, “I won’t be the one crawling tonight.”

Wolfe snorts out a laugh, but covers it with a cough as he pounds on the door. I’m a little surprised he doesn’t break in again, but I get why he doesn’t considering we have no idea what is happening on the other side of the door.

The door swings open to reveal Kirby standing there wearing wide legged pants and a corset style top in bright red. It’s not the leather pants she was wearing, but it’s still sexy as hell. When I look over her shoulder, I find Charlie standing not far away, his eyes trained on the ground which doesn’t surprise me considering the amount of anger rolling off myself and my brothers.

Kirby sighs, “What are you doing here?”

Wolfe pushes past her and into the room, his eyes narrowed on Charlie. “You know what we’re doing here, Phoenix.”

Kirby rolls her eyes, which makes me want to put her over my knee and spank her ass like I’m tattooing my handprint on her juicy cheek. Her voice is soft, almost bordering on sweet, as she turns to Charlie, “Thank you for being understanding. You can go, Charlie.”

“Yes, Mistress,” he murmurs before skirting around us and slipping out of the room.

Kirby strides across the room and settles in the chair instead of the bed. The way she arches her eyebrow and looks at us is a challenge. I’m not sure what she’s up to, not really, but her behavior after getting to know her makes me pause.

Hendrix’s voice drips with frustrated anger, “What the fuck are you doing here, Kirby?”

She crosses her arms across her chest and purses her lips. “While I don’t really owe it to you to explain,” Hendrix opens his mouth, a vein throbbing in his forehead, but she holds up a hand to cut him off, “since you’ve stormed up here like cavemen who clearly don’t trust me very much.”

“You were in this room with your submissive,” Hendrix’s voice is strained and thick with emotion.

“I was,” she agrees. She narrows her eyes and glares at Hendrix. “You know I’m under contract to be here. I explained it all to you. It’s not like I could just break that contact. However, I came here today to speak to management about adjusting my contact.”

Hope filled Wolfe’s voice, “What do you mean adjust?”

Kirby’s shoulders fall and her arms fall until her hands are in her lap. “I’m not a cheater. After the last few days with you, and really before then,” she adds in with a pointed look at us, “I knew that I couldn’t have a sub and feel good about it. I also knew that it wouldn’t be right to fulfill my contract as it was originally set up. Not with how I feel about you three.”

“Okay,” Wolfe breathes out as if he’s bracing himself for the bad side of whatever she has to say.

Kirby lifts one shoulder casually, “I’m not going to be doing a demonstration. I won’t have a sub. Instead, I’ll run a class for women who are interested in taking more control in the bedroom. It also means my contact runs for a little longer than it was originally intended to make up the difference in roles.” Her eyes sharpen, “I owed it to Charlie to have a conversation in person.”

Hendrix deflates and looks at our woman sheepishly. I don’t blame him, I feel the same way and reach back to rub the back of my neck. Hendrix rubs a hand over his head and shoots us a look that is full of apology. Yeah, we should have trusted her.