My heart sinks and I second guess myself for a second. Fuck. I should have thought harder about my actions. This is so not like me.

“We’ll never hurt you, Kirby,” Hendrix’s voice is a gentle seduction.

Kirby blinks a few times and looks between us. I almost breathe a sigh of relief that there’s nothing frantic in the movement. But it’s not until her shoulders drop that I start to relax.

“I know you’d never hurt me,” she snarls the words.

It’s not like I can blame her; not really.

I did just walk into where she’s working, throw her over my shoulder, and walked right the fuck back out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to apologize for it, but that doesn’t mean I can lie and say I don’t understand why she’s pissed.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” The color of her eyes turns greyer and darken as she pierces me with her gaze. “You could get in real trouble for doing that. You know they have security and management and shit. What if someone tried to stop you?”

The vehemence in her words, as well as the fact that she was more concerned about me than herself, is slow to sink in and time seems to slow around us. The way Wolfe sucks in a breath tells me the impact of her words aren’t lost on him either.

“No one was going to stop me,” I let my surety of that, especially with my brothers having my back, fill each word.

Kirby’s lip peels back in the most adorable snarl I’ve ever seen. It’s not easy, but I hold back my laughter, but I can’t stop myself from smiling at her. The way she glares at me makes it clear that she’s not pleased with my reaction to her.

“Why did you even do that?” Behind the hard tone of her question, is a hint of curiosity.

I’ll fucking take it.

“We had a shit day, and we were late coming to see you. I wasn’t going to share you tonight or be able to handle staying there and playing the game we’ve been playing.”

“Not going to share me?” She arches her eyebrow with a pointed look at Hendrix and Wolfe in the front as we move through the city. The challenge on her face isn’t lost on me, but it doesn’t bother me in the least.

“It’s different and you know it.”

The huff she lets out is fucking adorable. So is the way she crosses her arms across her chest. Fuck. It pushes her tits up in the silk camisole she’s wearing tonight. It hugs her and skims across her body at the same time; how is that even possible?

Kirby grumbles, “Where are we going?”

“Our place,” Wolfe pipes up from the front, a giddy quality in his voice.

I can feel the way Kirby looks at me out of the corner of her eye. She can look all she wants. I’m hers anyway.

It’s a little strange because I wasn’t expecting to find a woman that I want with the desperation I feel when it comes to her. I suppose that I could try and figure out what it is about her, but I don’t need to. I’ve accepted the way she makes me feel—the protectiveness, the need, the desire—and that’s all there is to it.

The fact that life and fate brought our paths together again after so long means something. It must. Right?

Silence descends as we get closer to our place, but it’s not uncomfortable. I’m only a little surprised that she’s not fighting us more, but it’s not like it would change anything. I can only hope that her silence means that she’s started to accept what we are to each other.

When we arrive at our place, Hendrix is out from behind the wheel and opening the back door where Kirby is sitting before I even realize what is going on. His hands are gentle as he pulls her out of the SUV and throws her over his shoulder. I chuckle under my breath as Kirby lets out an annoyed huff and grumbles something I can’t quite hear.

Anticipation thrums through me when the door closes behind us with a thump. Wolfe must be feeling it too because he’s practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, his eyes wide and a little wild.

He grins at me before he steps closer and drops his voice an octave, “I can’t fucking believe you threw her over your shoulder like that. I thought for sure Hendrix was going to be the one to break first.”

I smirk and shrug one shoulder like it’s not a big deal even though we know it is. Now that I’ve accepted the fact that Ineed Kirby in my life, I’m determined to make it happen. It has become very clear to me that we need her. Even more importantly, she needs us.

Hendrix looks around the living room for a moment as if he’s not sure where to go or what to do. The indecision doesn’t last long. Then he’s taking long strides which take him up the stairs and toward the bedrooms. While Wolfe and I have decent sized rooms, Hendrix’s room is the primary; I’m not surprised when he doesn’t stop until he steps inside his room.

Kirby lets out a sound from the back of her throat that has my cock going from hard to a steel fucking rod. I want to be buried inside of her and feel her tight, wet heat. I know she’s going to squeeze my length just fucking right.

Wolfe’s voice is soothing, “We might have brought you back here without your consent, our Phoenix, but nothing else will happen unless you want it to.”

Her mouth twists into a smirk that has me taking a step closer. While I do need the words, we all do, I know her answer already. It’s written all over her face and in the way her eyes flash with need and desire.