I have to reach down and adjust my dick in my joggers while knowing that it’s not going to be easy to run after our woman with this lead fucking pipe in my pants. I can’t exactly do something about it because being around Kirby is a turn on like no other.

Hendrix doesn’t wait for Kirby and Wolfe to separate. When he tugs her away from Wolfe and takes her mouth in a brutal, claiming kiss, it takes everything in me not to take her to the ground and forget all about the chase.

When Hendrix takes a step back, Kirby’s lips are plump and swollen. The way she presses her fingers against her lips tells me that she’s ready for us.

“I’m not sure if I don’t understand because your kisses have rendered me stupid or if you’re being intentionally vague.”

Hendrix tilts his head back and barks out a laugh. “Probably both,” he purrs softly.

I grip her shoulders and turn her slightly, pointing her toward the center of our land. I lean in and nip at where her shoulder and neck meet. “We’re hunters,” I tell her, my voice soft and so fucking close to trembling that it’s not funny. “You’re going to run,” her breath hitches as I leave open-mouthed kisses along her shoulder, “and we’re going to chase you.”

“You want to chase and catch me?”


She moans softly and then presses her hands against her cheeks as if she’s embarrassed by the suggestion. Or maybe it’s about how much she likes the idea.

I’m desperate to find out if she’s dripping wet for us. I bet she is. It’s like I can almost taste her arousal in the air.

“You have one hour and then we’ll use the tracker to find you,” Wolfe sounds giddy with excitement.

I give her a gentle push and growl, “Run.”

For a split second, I’m not sure if she’s going to do what I’ve told her or if she’ll turn around and rail at us for even suggesting such a thing. The first step she takes is tentative.

Then she’s off.

My eyes lock on her retreating form. As she crosses the clearing and picks up speed, I take a step forward. Wolfe has a grip on my shoulder, but I can see that he wants to start the hunt just like me.

“Gotta give her a head start,” he groans.

I don’t know how long we stand there, but it feels like an eternity. I can’t see Kirby and the silence and still of the night has surrounded us again.

“Let’s go find our woman,” Hendrix’s voice is on the verge of being chipper.

I don’t wait for my brothers. I stalk across the clearing in the direction I saw her start off.

I don’t care which one of us finds her first and we will find her.



There is not nearly enough light for me to be running in the forest, but that’s not going to stop me. I’ve never felt this kind of rush. My feet crunch the leaves underfoot and I desperately wish I could be quieter. They’re going to find me, I have no doubt about it, but I don’t want to make it too easy on them.


I glance behind me, unable to see a damn thing. How long are they going to give me before they come after me? Where are they?

I slow my steps when I see a tree with a huge trunk. I slip around it and kneel at the base, hoping to make myself small and invisible. Okay, I know invisible is pushing it, but the more light I catch, the easier I’ll be seen. Right?

It’s difficult to hear anything over the pounding of my heart and the rush of the blood through my veins. I try and take deep silent breaths to calm my heart and center myself. I’m going to need to keep my head.

As I start to calm down, I listen intently to what is going on around me. Is that the sound of crunching leaves? Am I just making that up?

I shake my head and try to come up with a plan. It’s not easy because I have no idea how big of a space I have here. I don’t know the typography.

Then there are so many questions I don’t have the answers to. How familiar are my men with these woods? Is there any water? Are there any more clearings? Could I try and circle back and slip us the clearing to keep an eye on things? With my men split up or will they hunt me as a group?