When I answer, I don’t get the chance to say anything before he informs me, “Found the idiot. Talked to him. You should meet me at Volkov’s office. Call Dominic while I get cleaned up and head that way.”
“You good?”
“Of course,” there’s amusement in his tone that has me relaxing slightly.
I won’t be able to relax completely until I can end a day by going home with my brothers with the knowledge that our woman will be home as well.
We don’t even have a home. I know it’s because we haven’t had a reason to settle in one place, not when we’re always on the move. Now, the thought of not having a place to call home has a pang of regret and longing hitting my heart.
Kirby deserves that. She’s been traveling for a long fucking time. I’m not sure if settling down in Seattle would be right for her, but we do own some land outside the city and Wolfe’s brother is here. Maybe it would be good.
With a shake of my head, I call Dominic and tell him to meet us at Volkov’s office before heading to the other side of the city. I’m not surprised to find Wolfe waiting for me when I step into Volkov’s building since the townhouse isn’t far.
Dominic walks in a few minutes after me and we all share a look. I can see the questions in their eyes, and I let out a sigh.
“I guess it would be too much to ask to deal with business before personal,” I grumble. When they don’t say anything, I know it would, in fact, be too much to ask. “She’s fine. She ran errands today around the city. I have to say, she was so fucking strong. It clearly bothers her being back here, but she went out and did all the stuff she needed to do. I’m proud of her.”
“Is she there?” Dominic grits out past his clenched teeth.
He doesn’t need to say where ‘there’ is. We all know exactly what he’s talking about. I give him a single nod and his shoulders drop as he gives me a glare that would scare a lesser man. I know he doesn’t agree with me about giving her some space, but she needs our trust just as much as we need hers. This is the way to get it.
It’s not easy, but it is right.
I look between them and arch an eyebrow. “Now, with that out of the way, want to update me before we go up?”
“Nothing to report. I didn’t find anything in the area I checked out today. Doesn’t mean there’s nothing to find,” Dominic informs us with a shrug.
He’s not fucking wrong. There are a lot of warehouses in the industrial area of the city. It’s not like Mikhail would put a big neon sign over any of his nefarious bullshit to let us know where he’s hiding out to make it easy for us.
When I look toward Wolfe, he leans forward while his voice is a low rumble, “I tracked down one of the peddlers. I grabbed him and then took him to the basement to ask him some questions.”
“Did you learn anything useful?”
“Not much beyond what we already know,” he admits. I let out a grunt of annoyance before he smirks. “Except,” he pauses for so long that I’m tempted to punch him, but I know he’s just trying to break the tension with a little drama, “he did say that the drugs are a distraction.”
Rage flares inside of me along with a big fucking side of worry. I growl, “A distraction for what?”
“He didn’t know, but my gut is telling me it’s probably trafficking. It’s an easy way for Mikhail to add to his bankroll with very little overhead. Especially now when the auctions don’t have to happen in person. If he has a half decent tech guy then they’ll throw that shit on the dark web and call it a day.”
I nod and mutter, “Well, fuck.” Part of me is dreading heading upstairs, but I know we have to do it. Getting ahead of Morozov has been a pain in the ass. He’s kept himself in the shadows andhe’s paid people enough for them to keep their mouths shut. Or maybe he’s just instilled that amount of fear. “We better head up. I’m sure Kirill knows we’re here by now.”
“Of course he knows,” Wolfe scoffs.
I flip him off and stride toward the elevator that is going to take us up to Volkov’s office. While the space where Wolfe took the dealer is for the shadier side of Kirill’s businesses, this one is for the legit side. It’s in the heart of downtown. We’ve met here many times before and with the work we do, at least the work we advertise, no one has a reason to question us.
Providing security consultations for someone as rich and high profile as Kirill Volkov is completely legitimate. No one has to know that we’ll paint the streets of Seattle red if we need to.
When Kirill’s secretary gives us a seductive smile as we stop in front of his office, my lips don’t even twitch into a smile. She’s a beautiful woman, one I would have looked at twice before Kirby came back into our lives.
Now though? I’m not even a little bit interested.
Her face falls when I don’t respond to her obvious flirtation. “Oh,” her voice wavers as if she’s unsure before clearing her throat, “you can go on in. Mr. Volkov is expecting you.”
With a curt nod, I sweep past her, not even bothering to give her a second look.
“Thank you,” Wolfe’s voice is professional with a hint of charm. “Don’t be an asshole just because she wanted to jump on your dick,” he whispers softly for only me to hear.