I could be so damn lucky.

Her voice is husky as she whispers, “Stop.”

All three of us jerk back from her at the same time. When I look at each of my best friends and brothers, I can read the worry on their faces. I can’t say I blame them since I’m wondering the same thing they are—does she regret what just happened.

Hendrix’s voice is soft, softer than I’ve ever heard it before, “You okay, our Phoenix?”

She lets out a soft whimper before clearing her throat as if she didn’t mean to let the sound escape. When she sits up, she looks at each of us in the eye. I hate that I can’t read what she’s thinking with a single look. Hopefully we get there, but today is not that day.

It shouldn’t make an ache pierce my chest, but it does.

“Good boys,” her voice is stronger.

Being the one that is not usually on the receiving end of praise—preferring to be the one giving it—is a little strange. But I also kind of like it.

I’m not sure if I’ll admit that out loud or not, but it’s true all the same.

Kirby’s movements are a little more jerky as she stands, and then smooths her skirt down over her ass and thighs, covering where the lace of her stockings give way to her creamy skin. I want to rip that fucking skirt from her body and have to clench my fists to stop myself.

Hendrix moves back to give her some room even though it’s clear that’s the last thing he wants to do. The clench of his jaw gives him away.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as she takes a step out of the circle we’ve created around her. The way her arms move makes it so that I’m not surprised when she turns back and her tits are covered again.

What a fucking shame.

Her face is a neutral mask, the pleasure she just allowed herself to be engulfed in, the way she was swept up in it, no longer evident. I want to pull her back between us and make her fall apart again.

And again.

The nod she gives us is curt before she turns and sweeps out of the room as if nothing took place between us. I want to call out after her and demand that she talks to us. The only thing that stops me, especially when I sit up with the intention of following her, is Dominic gripping my shoulder.

“Don’t,” he grits out through his teeth just as the door closes behind our woman. She’s on the wrong fucking side of that door. She should be here with us. I turn toward him slowly, ready to beat the shit out of him for stopping me. His words are measured and tinged with a hint of an apology, “I think she let us see past who she becomes when she’s working. If she did, she needs a moment. She’ll shut down right now if you push her.”

Silence surrounds us as he lets go of me and Hendrix stands before striding over to an oversized chair in in the corner and sitting down. I hang my head and bury my face in my hands, needing a moment to try and get myself under control.

There’s concern in Dominic’s voice, “You good?”

The only reason I look up is because I’m not sure who he’s talking to. The way he’s looking at Hendrix is intent and filled with concern. So, he’s not asking me—good.

“I’m fine,” Hendrix rasps and licks his lips.

“Fuck,” the word sounds like a prayer, “how does she taste?”

When Hendrix meets my gaze, the smirk on his face says it all.

“She’s not going to make this easy on us,” Dominic comments. He’s not looking at either of us, he’s staring off into space. “You both better be sure because if we do this then there’s no going back.”

I scoff because part of me has been waiting for this for ten fucking years.

“She’s ours,” Hendrix growls, Dominic’s warning clearly offending him. He lets out a sigh and admits, “I never forgot about her. I had no idea you,” he gives me an accusing look, “were keeping up with her.”

“It’s not like she was ready. She had some major trauma to deal with and I didn’t think she would be able to do it with our help. It’s not like we were ready either,” I grumble, understanding him questioning my actions, but not appreciating it.

How could I? My cock is harder than it’s ever been and the woman I want to bury it inside just walked out without a backward glance.

“But we’re ready now,” Hendrix doesn’t pose it like a question, but I nod anyway.

Dominic throws out, “What do we do now?”