Tonight, the moment we walk into Club Sin, I can feel that there’s something different happening immediately. Kirby isn’t sitting at her normal table while she speaks to someone as she interviews them. After watching her for days, that’s the only explanation for what she’s been doing every night. That is enough to have my hackles raised, but then I see her at the bar standing tall next to a man, one I haven’t seen her interview.


This is the first time I’m seeing her in all her damn glory. Even though she’s been dressed nicely the last few evenings, it was clear that she wasn’t dressed to play her role. But tonight? She’s dressed like she’s ready to make the man she’s standing with her bitch.

“Fuck, that leather skirt looks painted on,” Wolfe groans under his breath from his spot next to me, “and those stockings. Do you think they have that lace thing at the top of them?”

Dominic’s grunt of agreement speaks fucking volumes.

Wolfe isn’t wrong. I can almost feel how supple the leather of her skirt and her bustier, not to mention her skin, would feel under my hands. Without realizing it, I clench my fists.

Everything in me is screaming to go over to her and demand her to forget about the guy next to her and give us all her attention. But I know I can’t do that. This is her job; one she’s built for herself in spite of everything that was taken from her ten years ago.

It’s not like I even have a problem with her profession, at least not yet. I have to hand it to her that she’s found a way to provide for herself. I’ve also been around long enough to know that she’s probably not having sex with all her clients. For a man who desires to be dominated, it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with sex.

No, I’m not trying to delude myself. If she did have sex with all her clients, it wouldn’t have been any of my business.

Is it now? You better fucking believe it.

I might be willing to share her with my brothers, because they want her just as much as I do, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be sharing her with anyone else.

“She’s going to fight us about her business,” Dominic growls like he’s reading my damn mind and knows exactly what I’m thinking about.

“Probably,” Wolfe agrees, but there’s amusement in his voice.

When I look at him, he has a feral grin on his face. The thought of how we could convince our woman to give up her job and settle down with us, has my cock thickening in my slacks.

The longer we watch her, the clearer it is that she’s fighting herself about looking at us. Most people probably wouldn’t notice, but I do.

And I’m definitely not the only person watching our woman. She’s attracted a lot of attention. Not that I can blame those who are checking her out because she’s sexy as fuck.

Kirby arches an eyebrow at the man she’s with before nodding toward the elevators that will take them up to one of the rooms. I’m immediately on high alert. Before I can take a step in their direction, Wolfe grabs my arm and stops me.

“You can’t just storm over there and make demands. Not only will you undermine her job, but she’ll shut down and not give you a chance to say anything else,” Wolfe reasons.

I hate that he’s become the reasonable one in this situation, but I also know he’s not wrong. The surprise at him making a well thought out argument about why I can’t go all caveman must show on my face because he scoffs and tries to scowl at me. It would be more believable if his damn eyes weren’t twinkling with amusement.

Before Wolfe can stop him, Dominic is striding over to where the stairs are. They aren’t used as much, but every building is required to have them for safety reasons. By the time we catch up to him, he’s peeking out the door to the next floor up. I don’t need him to say anything to know that he sees Kirby and her client because his shoulders are tense as fuck in a clear warning. Our woman’s client has no idea the danger he’s in right now.

I almost feel bad for the guy. Considering the expectations on men, it’s probably hard enough for him being a sub. The only comfort I have is that places like Club Sin don’t allow anythinglike judgement or prejudice to occur. He’s a sub and in this space, at the very least, there’s not a damn thing wrong with it.

I hear a door click from down the hall and Dominic is on the move again. Damn, the man is light and silent on his feet when he needs to be. It made him a damn good soldier and man to have at my back, but seeing his skill used for this purpose makes me proud if a whole other way.

Wolfe hisses a chastisement, but it’s lost to me as I follow my brother without a second thought. Yeah, there’s no way I can let this shit go down. Not now after seeing her again after ten years.

Dominic stops in front of Room Seven and I’m right there next to him. Even though we’ve been a member of Club Sin for a while, we don’t have a room that’s considered ours. I know some people do because of whatever kink they’re into. Knowing that whatever we’re about to find on the other side of the door in front of us has been put together for Kirby’s needs has my dick throbbing.

I also want to roar out my displeasure.

“Fuck,” Wolfe grunts, an edge to his voice that makes me think he’s having just as much of an issue as I am with whatever we’re going to find in this room. “It’s going to be locked,” he tries to reason with us.

I scoff. Like a locked door is going to stop us. When has it ever been enough before?

When I glance out of the corner of my eye at Dominic, the smirk on his face says he’s thinking the same thing I am. He’s going through this door, one way or another and he doesn’t give a single fuck which way it has to go down.

Wolfe curses under his breath before pushing us out of his way with a roll of his eyes. “It’s a good thing one of us is prepared for this shit,” he mumbles as he pulls out a lock picking kit.

“I thought you were trying to be the voice of reason,” I challenge him.