I throw my hands up in surrender. “Alright, ma’am. No guns… until later.“
“Good boy.”
I carry her into the bathtub, then strip down to join her. For the next hour, we soak while chatting about everything from life in the Bratva to my mansion in Russia. She listens, fascinated and engaged as I fill her in on all the things she needs to know.
After our bath, we curl up in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms. She drifts off first, her little snores quickly filling the room, a soothing melody that makes my heart swell.
Tomorrow, we leave for Russia. If things go wrong, I might never see her beautiful face again. So tonight, I’m staying awake to watch her sleep and commit every detail of her serene expression into memory.
And maybe brainstorm some names for our unborn son.
“I still can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma!” Mama squeals for the millionth time, practically bouncing with excitement as she helps me pack. She’s been grinning nonstop since Semyon drove her here an hour ago.
It’s almost seven p.m. Our private jet leaves in about two hours. I’m trying to smile back, but icy fingers of dread are creeping up my spine. Please, God, don’t let anything go wrong tonight.
“We get it, Mama,” I sigh, tossing her one of my nightgowns. “The whole world knows you’re joining the Grandma Club. No need for hourly reminders.”
She pouts like a little girl who’s just been told she can’t have more ice cream. “You wouldn’t understand. Wait until you become a grandma.”
I rub my stomach and smile softly. I’m not exactly religious, but last night I prayed my heart out. All I want is my own little family—Mikhail, our baby, and me. Mama too. If everything goes well for Mikhail and our baby is born safely, I swear I’ll never ask for another thing as long as I live. My husband and this tiny life growing inside me are my whole world now.
Mama finishes packing and sets my boxes on the floor. Mikhail is somewhere around the house, probably holed up in his study with some of his men, making plans for our move tonight.
I plop down on the bed, staring blankly at the wall. My stomach is in knots, but Mama’s so damn happy, I can’t bear to burst her bubble. Mikhail and I haven’t told her the real reason for our sudden Russian getaway, but she’s not stupid. I can see it in her eyes—she knows.
After two decades of marriage to Papa, mafia power struggles are probably as familiar to her as grocery shopping. Still, I’d rather chew glass than discuss it with her right now.
Luckily, a knock on the door breaks the tense silence, and Mikhail strides in. He’s a vision in black slacks and a blank dress shirt. But there’s a darkness to him today. Gone is the man who couldn’t stop gushing about our unborn child last night. This Mikhail is all business, cold and dangerous. Maybe this is the real him, the version he usually keeps hidden from me. I can’t exactly blame him for that.
“We’re leaving,” he says coldly. “To avoid drawing attention, we’ll go with Igor and Dimitri. Semyon and Alexei will escort your mother to the airport.”
I frown, not liking this idea one bit. “No way. My mama needs to come with us. What if something happens?”
He closes the distance between us and presses a finger under my jaw. His touch is unusually cold. Everything feels cold right now. “That’s exactly why she’s not coming with us. Alexei and Semyon will keep her safe.”
I search his face, trying to see past the blank mask he’s wearing. Slowly, the pieces click into place. “You’re using her as bait?”
“If Akim is watching, he’ll naturally go for the car with Semyon and Alexei.” He pauses, inhaling deeply. “It’s the safest option.”
I jerk away from his touch, fury rising in my chest. “You’ve lost your damn mind.”
His fists clench at his sides. “I’m trying to keep you and our baby safe.”
“At the expense of my mama’s life?” I can’t believe he thought this was a good idea, let alone that I’d agree to it. “Absolutely not. I’m taking the same car as her.”
“Nothing will happen. She has my best men to protect her.”
“He’s right, honey.” Mama appears at Mikhail’s side, nodding solemnly. “This is the only way to keep you and the baby safe.”
“But what about you?” I demand, voice cracking.
She inches closer and holds my hand. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”