Page 67 of Crown of Hate

The woman with him quickly shifts to his side, looking like she would rather be anywhere else.

“Fallen Pakhan?” I chuckle at the pathetic attempt to insult me. It doesn’t sting because I know I won’t be afallen Pakhanfor much longer. “You’re still as childish and stupid as ever. But I didn’t expect much more from a dog who bites his master.”

“If you were my master, you should have been smarter, Mikhail.” He slides one hand into his pocket and sizes me up with that smug, condescending look. “It pains me to say this, but you look better than I expected. I heard you’re Ilya’s dog now. Guess that puts us on the same level, doesn’t it?”

Now that’s an insult that lands. My smile drops instantly, and my jaw clenches. “I will never be on the same level as you, Arsen. Not even if I’m crippled or dead.”

“You think too highly of yourself, Mikhail.”

“I do.” I look around, checking for any prying eyes. With a bounty on my head, it’s risky enough to be here. I can’t afford to raise suspicions. “I’m here to ask you some questions about Akim.”

He takes a leisurely sip of his drink, his throat bobbing as he swallows. “Do I have to answer these questions?”

“You don’t have to, but if you don’t, there will be consequences.” I purse my lips, feigning thought. “I wonder what dirty secrets you’re hiding in a closet of pink suits. Does Akim know how disloyal you are?”

Arsen ignores my warning. Instead, his eyes light up with sick amusement as he looks over at Alya. “There’s news you got married to Ivan Orlov’s daughter. She’s quite the looker. Permit me to jerk off to the thought of her later tonight.”

My fists clench, my rage bubbling to the surface. I take a menacing step toward him. “Speak about my wife again and I’ll kill you.”

“Are you threatening me?” he smirks, clearly enjoying my reaction.

He’s trying to bait me, but I’m beyond caring. I’ll take whatever insult he throws at me, but my wife is where I draw theline. “Yes, I am. One more word about her, and you’ll be dead before you can blink.”

Arsen raises his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. Calm down, man. I’m just messing around. I wouldn’t touch what’s yours.”

“Keep your sick jokes to yourself,” I growl, my fists itching to land a blow. “I know about your shady deals with Maximo and how you’ve been stealing from Boris and Akim. You have two choices: talk now, or let them find out how much of a traitor you are. You know how that will end.”

Fear replaces his arrogance. He’s trembling, just like I want him to. “What do you want to know?”

I smile coldly. “Good dog. I heard there’s a bounty on my head.”

“There is,” he answers. “The payout’s huge. Everyone is scrambling to claim the prize, desperate to be the one who snaps your neck.”

I expected as much. I’ve put an end to their human trafficking and other disgusting activities they pleasured themselves with. They’d be foolish not to want me out of the way. “What does Boris want with my wife?”

His grin returns, twisted and malicious. “Guess.”

“Don’t play games with me,” I warn sharply.

He throws a hand up, his grin growing wider. “Relax, Mikhail. That was only a joke.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Your wife is the only way he can get to you. He knows she wouldn’t betray you.”

I narrow my eyes on Arsen, wondering if Akim knows that Alya is his daughter. Even for a monster like him, I can’t imagine he’d drag her into this. “Is that all he knows?”

Arsen’s smile drops a little. He looks more serious now. “Is there something else he should know?”

“None that is your business.” I rack my brain for the next question. I have plenty, but I need to prioritize. “How do they plan to take me down?”

He shrugs nonchalantly. “They’re the top dogs, Mikhail. I’m just a mutt. Do you really think they’d share their fucking plans with me?”

“It’s your specialty to sniff out what others are planning. You know something. What is it?”

“I’m not sure, but plan A was to get you through your wife.” He pauses and finishes his drink. “You already know plan B.”

I tilt my head, despising the bite in his tone. “And that is?”

He just smirks.

An alarm goes off in my head as I try to piece together what he just said.