Page 25 of Unforgivable Ties

I glanced over at her, the soft glow from her phone illuminating her face in the otherwise dark car. For a moment, I was glad she was so engrossed in whatever she was doing—it gave me a chance to really look at her.

She bit her lip when she was deep in thought. And she had a habit of always tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, despite it always escaping again. There was something captivating about that persistent lock of hair; a distraction I indulged in all too often.

Stephanie was perfection in every sense.

Why did I think it was a good idea to let the girl I wanted to fuck move in with me? Ever since we met, I had been honed inon her and had no desire to have sex with any other girl. I was so pent up it physically ached at times, and seeing her in my space day in and day out only made the desire worse.

I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to resist her. My dick twitched in my pants, begging to be set free. I took a deep breath, trying to think of something else to distract myself.

She was too young for me. Stephanie was a college student, and I was in my mid thirties, a man worn by years of danger and violence, a far cry from the vibrant, youthful charm that she exuded. She was the sun, and I was the moon, the contrast between us as stark as night and day. Yet, it seemed as though an invisible force kept drawing us closer, a gravitational pull I was desperately trying to resist.

As we arrived back at my apartment, I was glad for the distraction of physically getting out of the car and feeling the cool night air on my skin. As I tapped the keycard to let us into the apartment, Stephanie slipped her phone into her back pocket, her fingers brushing against mine in a way that felt more intimate than it probably was.

“It’s not quite time for bed yet,” she said, looking at the clock in the living room. “Do you want to watch a movie?”

“I guess,” I said gruffly, the image of that loose strand of hair still playing in my mind like a mesmerizing movie on a constant loop.

“Great! Just give me a minute.”

She walked down the hallway and into her bedroom, her hips swaying slightly as she walked away. I followed her down the hallway with my gaze, captivated by the graceful, fluid movements of her body.

We were always so close now that we lived together. I could easily reach out and touch her if I wanted to, but there was a still an invisible barrier that held me back. Although it felt like that barrier was growing weaker and weaker each day.

Stephanie walked back into the living room wearing her pajamas, and I silently cursed her for wearing that set. I had never seen her in such little clothing. The top didn’t even cover her stomach, and the shorts hugged her ass perfectly.

“What do you want to watch?” she asked, bending over to pick up the remote.

I wanted to freeze frame that view and watch it all night.

“Whatever is fine,” I grunted, feeling like my throat was lined with sandpaper.


She put on Netflix and picked the top movie for the week. It was some action movie that I would normally be interested in watching, but all I could focus on was her. Stephanie’s hair was pulled up in a ponytail, revealing her slender neck and the soft curve of her shoulders.

Her eyelids grew heavy, and her body slumped into mine. So much for it not being time for bed. I stiffened as she nestled into me, her scent filling my nostrils, a sweet floral perfume that was just hers. I didn’t move a muscle as she slept, her eyes closed and lips parted slightly in the most alluring way.

Her hand rested on my thigh, dangerously close to where all of my thoughts seemed to have come from tonight. She shifted in her sleep and it grazed over my cock, which hardened instantly in response.

Ok, it was time to call it a night. I stood up and swooped the sleeping girl in my arms and carried her down the hallway. She weighed almost nothing, a testament to my own strength, or perhaps her small form.

I peeled back the blankets and gently laid Stephanie on the bed, careful not to wake her. I watched her with a kind of fascination that I hadn’t felt before. Her face was peaceful, as if she was dreaming of something pleasant.

I only lingered a few moments before pulling the blankets up to her shoulders and walking out. I flipped the light switch off on my way out and closed the door as quietly as possible before walking to my bedroom.

Fuck. Maybe Cesare was right about me being soft for her.


Ihad my laptop and school books sprawled out on the desk in the living room. Currently, I was taking a break from reading about urinalysis to look for a new apartment, but it was a bit disheartening. All the prices were astronomical in New York City, each listing more outrageous than the last.

Fortunately, now that Vincenzo was paying my tuition, I had more wiggle room to spend on rent. Even though the apartments were laughably small, I wouldn’t have to live on the outskirts of the city in the rundown type of apartment like before.

I had compiled a list that I was going to look at tomorrow. They were carefully mapped out, so I could check all four out within the day and still have the rest of my afternoon to myself.

“What are you doing?” Vincenzo asked, magically appearing from behind me.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. The man was giant, but made no sound when he moved around the apartment. It was probably a skill he gained from years of doing shady shit for the mafia.