Page 7 of Unspoken Ties

That jolted me awake. Me, sleep in bed with a man I had met only a few hours ago? Being the Don of the Moretti family and my fiancé didn’t matter; his intentions were still a mystery to me.

I could see how many would say yes, as Ettore’s striking appearance could easily grace the cover of GQ. His sharp jawline and honey brown eyes were perfectly accentuated by his tailored suit, making it nearly impossible to refuse him. However, Ihad had modesty drilled into my brain from a young age, and sleeping in a bed with a man who wasn’t my husband was forbidden.

“Why are you blushing?” he asked.

“No I’m not!” I blurted out, feeling my body grow even hotter.

“O-K,” he responded, enunciating each syllable, an amused look on his face. “Sleep where you want, then.”

The only viable option was the loveseat in the living room, and the cushions resembled solid rocks. The small size of the loveseat made me doubt if I could even fit on it, despite how short I was. I could already imagine myself trying to curl up on it, only to find my limbs awkwardly sticking out over the edges. It didn’t look like the most comfortable spot to spend an evening, but it would have to suffice.

“There might be an extra blanket in the hall cabinet.” Without sparing me another glance, he walked into his bedroom and shut the door.

“Might be?” I scoffed to myself.

Chapter four


Sleeping on the love seat was miserable. It did turn out to be as hard as rocks, and no matter which way I turned, I couldn’t get comfortable. My lower legs dangled off the end and were exposed to a small draft. Fortunately, there was a blanket in the closet. It was the flimsiest blanket I had ever used, and it had a couple of holes in it, but it was better than nothing.

I woke up in the early hours of the morning. Without the ability to sleep, I got lost in my thoughts. Had I made the right decision agreeing to Ettore’s proposal? Was I absolutely insane agreeing to marry this near stranger?

I was definitely insane. My emotions from last night must have overwhelmed me, and made it seem like the best idea at the time.

But in the cold light of dawn, I realized what a gamble I’d taken. I sat up and pulled the flimsy blanket tighter around me, trying to ward off not only the chill but also the gnawing uncertainty. Ettore was handsome and charismatic, sure, but what else did I really know about him?

I hauled myself off the love seat, my bones creaking in protest after a night on the unforgiving surface. I ambled to the window, peering out at the silent street below. The world was just starting to wake up, it seemed, blissfully unaware of my internal turmoil. Cars were beginning to drive past, their headlights cutting through the morning fog. People walking their dog and the occasional jogger were on the early morning street.

“I take it you didn’t sleep well,” Ettore’s voice cut through my thoughts.

I let out a little squeak and stumbled backwards. I had still been expecting him to be asleep, and he had scared me half to death.

He ignored my lack of grace. “Let’s get ready. We need to get to City Hall at open today.”

“City Hall?” I asked, wondering what errand he could need to run there.

“If you thought I was planning a grandeur wedding, you’re mistaken. This is for business only, and I don’t plan on wasting any more of my time with it.”

His words felt like a slap, cold and harsh against the early morning tension. I felt my chest tighten and a sudden lump form in my throat, forcing a small gasp of surprise to escape past my lips.

“Business…” I echoed his words.

His expression remained impassive. His tall frame was silhouetted against the dim light filtering through the window where he stood, his arms crossed at his chest. He looked intimidating, every inch the ruthless Mafia Don he was reputed to be.

“Be ready in forty-five minutes,” he said, before walking back to his bedroom and slamming the door.

I stepped into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a hot mess. My makeup from last night was smeared all over my face, and my clothes were disheveled.

My eyes scanned the limited counter space for any sign of a toothbrush or spare clothes. Disappointment flooded through me as I realized Ettore had none of these essentials for me. With a sigh, I made do with what I had, squeezing a dollop of toothpaste onto my index finger and awkwardly trying to brush away the stale taste in my mouth. The lack of proper supplies only added to the chaos and uncertainty of my morning routine, leaving me feeling disheveled and unprepared for the day ahead.

Getting kidnapped and then sleeping on that terrible loveseat had done a number to my hair. Fortunately, I had a hair tie in my bag. I took out the elastic band and tied my messy hair back. I still looked terrible, and the idea of going out looking like this horrified me. My father would never let me be seen like this.

Would have. A little voice whispered from the back of my head, and my stomach twisted in unease. It didn’t matter anymore because he was dead.

I tried not to dwell on it and instead walked back into the living room to wait for Ettore. As he put the finishing touches on his appearance, carefully tucking in his shirt and adjusting his tie, we made our way out of the cozy apartment and began our journey towards City Hall. The bustling streets greeted us with a symphony of honking cars and chattering pedestrians. We walked side by side, our steps in sync as we navigated through the sea of people. The sun shone down on us, warming our skin and casting a golden glow over the city. As we approached the grand building of City Hall, its towering pillars and intricate architecture were a sight to behold.

A familiar face waited on the stairs.